Latest fromFonterra
Fonterra and farmers to benefit from restructure
Fonterra fears its profits and market share will both take a hit if it doesn't forge ahead with planned changes to its business.
Shareholders able to double investment in dairy giant
Fonterra shareholders will be able to invest in shares up two times their annual production rate, almost double that of current rates.
Fonterra's plan explained
Fonterra has revealed details of its plan for dairy farmers to trade shares amongst themselves.
Chinese would bring innovation to NZ dairy industry - lawyer
The Chinese-owned company wanting to buy the balance of the Crafar farms would be the first vertically integrated dairy business in NZ.
<i>Bernard Hickey:</i> Should May Wang be allowed to buy NZ's dairy farms?
Kiwis concerned about NZ farms being sold to foreign investors have no one to blame but themselves, writes Bernard Hickey.
Worsening pollution audit 'completely unacceptable' says Fonterra
New Zealand's dairy farms are getting dirtier - not cleaner, according to new research released today.
GE plants promoted as 'cisgenic'
NZ researchers appear to be gearing up for a new bid to win over consumers before the first applications for release of GE pasture species.
Fonterra picks higher profit, but keeps the cash
Fonterra says it has lifted its "distributable profit" forecast by 5c for the current 2009-2010 season to between 40c to 50c a share - but isn't going to pass on this increase to its farmers.