Why is Fonterra exploring cow-less dairy food technology?
Dairy co-op says no money or deals involved in its latest tech probe.
Dairy co-op says no money or deals involved in its latest tech probe.
Dairy giant says longer-term solutions are necessary to ensure energy remains affordable.
Expected milk payouts are below the break-even point, a new report says.
Opinion: Fonterra is undergoing a step-change in its strategic direction.
The dairy giant is proposing job cuts at its Waikato headquarters.
US says its cheese exports were "impressively" up across all major varieties.
Prices for nearly all the main products declined at the latest GDT auction.
Nearly all prices took a nosedive in the latest Global Dairy Trade auction.
Professor Mark Howden said basing a goal on no added heating was 'actually confusing'.
Jarden now has both Whineray brothers in its ranks.
Review of 17-year-old system finds quota unused, sheep and goat milk exports shut out.
How did New Zealand-made milk powder end up with Shackelton in the first place?
Inflation has eaten into what historically would have been a strong farmgate milk price.
Fans of The Country may also notice a familiar name from the field of broadcasting.
Watchdog council eyes pressure on business performance in Q4 as price relativities narrow.
Current season milk price forecast narrows, earnings per share outlook lifted
Price of Fonterra farmer-owned shares surged over possible consumer business sale.
Maybe it's a sign of maturity that Fonterra can't be Nestle despite its privileged start.
OPINION: Research shows strong brands command a price premium and grow faster than rivals.
Shareholders will want to know where the value is going to come from after any divestment.
S&P Global Ratings has lent its support to Fonterra's plan to sell its consumer business.
The buyer of the beloved New Zealand icecream label sold by Fonterra is on a growth path.
Ari Dekker on the co-op’s move to put its consumer business up for sale.
Auckland Council go over the final proposal for city's 10-year-budget, half of Christchurch City Holdings board resign and Fonterra considers selling global consumer business.
In a big step change, Fonterra is looking to sell its Consumer business.
Fonterra says it is looking to sell businesses, including its global consumer operation.
But any divergence should be no surprise, the chairman says.
US food and beverage company veteran was commercial director.
The latest from the Global Dairy Trade auction held overnight.
It took a life-changing diagnosis for Charlotte Heald to realise what she should focus on.