Step change: How to lose 1kg a fortnight by walking
Telegraph: Walking is free, it's simple and it can be 'life-changing', says Fiona Gibson.
Telegraph: Walking is free, it's simple and it can be 'life-changing', says Fiona Gibson.
No, you don’t need to stretch before exercise and weights won’t make you bulky.
Check out seven healthy snacks to munch on throughout the day.
New York Times: Loathe burpees? Fear planks? Trainers' tips to make them work for you.
A recent study reveals 9 of 10 countries with the most obese people are in the Pacific.
Being overweight is linked to many health issues – but what about losing weight?
From lying on the sofa to neglecting loved ones, is it time to rethink our behaviour?
Telegraph: Cardio is good - but cardio plus strength training is better, experts say.
Getting in shape at 40 takes a lot of discipline.
Where should you begin if you’re starting from scratch?
A social media influencer called out the woman for taking a dig at a fellow gym-goer.
'People would never consider learning how to play the piano by watching YouTube.'
New York Times: Researchers tracked 57,652 men over 37 years. Here's what they found.
Telegraph: Science-backed tips for shrinking your waistline and boosting your health.
Sophie Guidolin's followers did not shy away from raising an alarm over the photo.
Tips from a Kiwi personal trainer on how to make simple changes for lasting wellness.
There's something on for everyone this weekend in Tāmaki Makarau.
Never exercised? Taking a break? Samantha Bluemel shares her fitness tips.
New York Times: No shame - we've all been there. Here's how to get off the couch.
Learn how to redefine your identity and develop habits that support your wellbeing.
There are plenty of more affordable options to keep you motivated to move.
Some say it makes them feel more comfortable, others are disgusted.
Let’s get physical .... but not that physical.
We've had the pavlova feud and the flat-white argument. Will this be the next feud topic?
A Kiwi expert shares wellbeing secrets tied to exercise, nutrition, sleep and stress.
Many believe lactic acid causes muscle soreness. This isn't true.
NY Times: 'People are looking for the magic pill, and the magic pill is already here.'
Telegraph: Apple, pear or soft all over? Here's how to tell if your belly fat's a problem.
Joined the gym but doubt you'll stick at it? Northland gym owners have advice for that.
New York Times: Working out in muggy weather can be brutal. Here's how to survive.