Latest fromFiscal Policy

Ageing population could cost
Treasury warns that rising costs associated with the ageing population and costlier healthcare will drive the Crown's books persistently into the red from 2020.

On the edge
Markets in this region yesterday shrugged off the threat of economic disruption from the looming "fiscal cliff" in the United States.

Should we act on the high NZ dollar?
Most agree that the kiwi is overvalued and some say the solution is for the Reserve Bank to cut interest rates. But two differing perspectives argue it's not that simple. Add your comment to the debate.

Economic strength behind NZ's triple-A rating: Moody's
Moody's says our Aaa sovereign credit rating is underpinned by New Zealand's economic strength and low vulnerability to event risk.

Brian Fallow: Does NZ really need 28 ministers?
Does a country of 4.4m really need 28 ministers - 20 in Cabinet and eight outside?

Bernard Hickey: What did double-downgrade day really mean?
Now the dust has settled on 'Double-Downgrade Day', it's worth looking at what it all means.

Bernard Hickey: How did Europe get in this mess?
Bernard Hickey with ten questions about the European debt mess and what it might mean for New Zealand.

Joe Beaglehole: Let the people decide on economy
Balancing tax and spending is not a task we can afford to cede to appointed experts...

Brian Fallow: Wrong time to focus on long-term woes
Why yank the reins on a poor old horse that isn't moving?

<i>Nick Smith</i>: When the pressure goes on - resist
Reviving Christchurch is a job for Government, not Alan Bollard.