Latest fromFiordland

More flights scheduled for Queenstown
Air New Zealand is to increase the number of direct flights between Australia and Queenstown this winter.

Sevens: Newcomers feature in Kiwi squad
New Zealand sevens coach Gordon Tietjens has named a clutch of newcomers in his 16-strong training squad.

Parents of killed tourists call for adventure sport licences
The father of an English tourist killed in a river-boarding accident has started a group to push to license New Zealand adventure tourism operators.

Quality family time fitted into busy golf countdown
Michael Hill, jeweller, is unlikely to get much rest over the next few weeks.

Toll at six after 2010's first road death
A woman is dead after a crash north of Queenstown this afternoon, taking the holiday road toll to six.

Gaddafi's son granted visa for NZ
The son of Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi is understood to be flying into New Zealand today.

Salt of the earth
Film-maker Roger Donaldson has compiled a photographic scrapbook of Kiwi codger Burt Munro - and has his eyes on a biopic of Ed Hillary.

Leaked report recommends mining option for Mt Aspiring
A leaked report recommends setting aside up to a fifth of Mount Aspiring National Park's 350,000ha for possible mining and exploration.

100 years since Mt Aspiring triumph
Today marks 100 years since the first ascent of Mt Aspiring, New Zealand's highest peak outside the Aoraki-Mt Cook region.