Latest fromFinancial Planning

Mary Holm: Borrowing can be good - or horrid
Heavily geared property investments can return more than shares, but they can also go badly wrong

Mary Holm: Letting kids go often final dilemma
Some people want to protect inheritances from mistakes but others say children have to find their own way

Small business: Working with charities - Liz Gibbs
Why should a small business get involved with a charity?

Small business: Helen Cross - Cross Ventures
Helen Cross, Managing Director, Cross Ventures acts as an independent director or advisor to the board for eight businesses in the SME space including NZ Tax Refunds, Power Business Service and SnapComms.

Mary Holm: Volatility a risk with KiwiSaver funds
There are certain periods when your account balance will fall. When that happens, stick with it.

Consumer Watch: Cash in on better habits
New Year's resolutions are often difficult to stick to and require some upfront investment. But, as John Weekes reports, they can turn out to be money-spinners.

Mark Lister: Is market's bull run over?
We're unlikely to get a repeat of the New Zealand sharemarket's exceptional year, predicts Mark Lister.

Gill South: Someone stop me before I spend again
Gill South consults a financial personal trainer to get her bank balance in better shape.

Diana Clement: Singles need financial safety nets too
Singles may not outnumber those in couples, but they're a big chunk of the population.