New bill proposed to limit regional councils' role in greenhouse gas regulation
Federated Farmers backs bill to limit local emission regulations.
Federated Farmers backs bill to limit local emission regulations.
When the cyclone struck one retired farmer knew he had the skills to lend a hand.
Relaxing rules around developing wetlands is “common sense”.
Wayne Langford, Winston Peters, Kate Acland, Jane Smith, Chris Brandolino, Chris Russell.
Corporate farming a trend, don't write off the family farm just yet, Forbes Elworthy says.
The Govt's announcement of an inquiry into rural banking is welcomed by Federated Farmers.
'Farmers want to know our local MPs understand the pressures we are under.'
The Government also announces new initiative.
'Our returns are down, our costs are up, and there’s very little spare cash.'
Tony Williams says the wool auction system does not serve farmers well.
Fans of The Country may also notice a familiar name from the field of broadcasting.
Sam Lewis has been dedicated to farming and associated businesses.
Women’s Division of the Farmer’s Union became Women’s Division Federated Farmers in 1947.
Parliament versus Federated Farmers day at Patutahi was an 'awesome' event.
Wayne Langford, Wayne McLaughlin, Kathrin Jankowiec, Stu Duncan, Stu Loe, Phil Duncan.
Shane Jones, Samuel Whitelock, Dan Hodgen, Phil Ropiha, Toby Williams.
Rugby fundraiser is to support farmers affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.
Paddy's Park to host rugby and netball tomorrow to help farmers.
'Significant' central government support needed after cyclone devastation.
Wayne Langford, Dave Martin, Chris Brandolino, Gill Naylor, Stu Duncan, Barry Soper.
This year's event will have a line-up of 1000 exhibitors at Mystery Creek.
"We can achieve a lot more for farmers than any one organisation can working alone."
Feds to play Parliament in rugby, netball at Ngātapa.
Sheep and beef farmer Jared Coogan is worried school children will be put at risk.
It's the first time Alliance has asked farmers for capital in 32 years.
The 2024 Feds-Rabobank Farming Salaries Report shows farm employers investing in staff.
Phil Duncan, Richard McIntyre, Andrew Douglas, Blair McClean, Jane Hunter, M Simpson.
Federated Farmers says the changes “mark the end of the war on farming”.
Richard McIntyre, Stu Loe and Stu Duncan, Chris Brandolino, Kevin Barrett, Barry Soper.
Weight gain on ewes going into tupping and mating has been a bit light