Tight investment laws choke Aust food producers
Australia's farmers and food producers face a protectionist backlash at home against Chinese investment.
Australia's farmers and food producers face a protectionist backlash at home against Chinese investment.
Fonterra's first draft of suggested changes to its governance structure recommends the board's size be cut from 13 to 11.
NZX's planned new milk price futures contract can help bring stability to a dairy sector being hit by low returns, says visiting specialist Brian Rice.
COMMENT: Sustainable farming is about doing business while doing good. It is about ensuring decent income and benefits while preserving our environment.
The Institute of Directors has made a case for adding independent directors to the boards of farming company operations.
Warning: Content may disturb. Animal advocacy activists have released shocking undercover footage from a colony egg farm that shows dead hens rotting in their cages and dying hens trapped beneath perches.
COMMENT: Sustainability leadership - we don't know what we've got 'til it's gone, writes Barry Coates.
Fitch Ratings said growth in European milk production will further delay a recovery in global milk prices beyond 2016.
Shanghai Pengxin has withdrawn its judicial review of the government's decision to decline its application to purchase the Lochinver station.
Synlait expects premium payments to its farmer suppliers to double, mainly on the back of a boom in infant formula sales.
COMMENT: McGrathNicol business partners Andrew Grenfell and Conor McElhinneyrs talk about the flow-on effects of low dairy prices.
The Ministry for Primary Industries says it will take action against baby formula marketer Fernbaby if the company continues to make "therapeutic claims" about its products.
What's going on in dairy is fully explainable and virtually none of it is anyone's fault in this country. We've been here before with dairy and without a doubt we will be here again.
Dairy farm values are tumbling, according to data from the Real Estate Institute of NZ.
LIAM DANN: Homeowners may already be subsidising farmers as banks eye big losses in the dairy sector.
World dairy prices went against market expectations and fell 2.9 per cent decline at the latest GlobalDairyTrade auction.
The South Island dairy processor will need to consider investing in expansion given the rapid growth of A2, analysts say.
Bank analyst has confidence in the sector's ability to adapt but says that some of those ill-prepared for the downturn will go to the wall.
It was an ominous sign when Prime Minister John Key wandered into his weekly post-Cabinet press conference and announced, "I've got a bit of a head cold."
Landcorp said it expects its profit loss to widen for the full year, reflecting a decline in milk prices.
Avocado prices have spiked to over $3 each after a "moderate" growing season and surging demand.
After some tough times, apple growers have enjoyed three record years in a row and are well on the way to their $1b target.
Late start to the season means apple growers will face a race against time to have fruit picked, raising concerns about the availability of labour.
State-owned Landcorp and China's Shanghai Pengxin Group - the company that bought the distressed Crafar farms in 2012 - are about to part company.
Environment Canterbury is standing by its decision not to fine or prosecute Chief Justice Dame Sian Elias and her businessman husband Hugh Fletcher after photos emerged of their cattle drinking out of a North Canterbury lake.
Worksafe will need to show its approach to farm safety is reducing workplace casualties or farmers could find themselves being held to account in the courts.