Farmer told to stop selling raw milk
Alarm after tuberculosis-positive cow discovered at his farm.
Alarm after tuberculosis-positive cow discovered at his farm.
Fonterra chairman John Wilson has linked Theo Spierings' resignation rumours to next week's farmer vote on changes.
Heartland Bank has told investors it is monitoring the dairy sector "with close attention".
Man caught mistreating bobby calves, after animal welfare groups released video, pleads guilty to charges.
Fonterra's farmers will vote next week on a raft of changes to the way the co-operative is governed.
Nearly 200 jobs at AgResearch will be relocated to Lincoln and Palmerston North with the Government today signing off on a new $133 million reconfiguration.
Former president of Wanganui Federated Farmers says dairy farming is responsible for 80 per cent of the degradation of New Zealand waterways.
Hopes are running high that the first GlobalDairyTrade (GDT) auction for 2016/17 will show an improvement in dairy prices.
Farmers overall remain satisfied with their banks, according to a Federated Farmers survey.
COMMENT: The Government should be proactive and appoint an independent Commissioner for Animal Welfare, writes Catriona MacLennan. Not only to prosecute animal cruelty, but also comprehensive monitoring of animal welfare.
Australian dairy farmers want the government's help in gaining security around milk prices.
The milk price futures contracts will be launched on May 27, the NZX announced late last week.
Dairy farmers, facing volatile prices, must take advantage of advances in genetics, forages and labour-saving technologies, writes Mark Hiddleston
The NZX is launching new dairy futures and options contracts as a way to lessen the volatility in milk prices.
It's not only NZ dairy farmers unhappy about farm gate prices.
Dairy prices ended the 2015/6 season on a firm note with the GlobalDairyTrade price index rising by 2.6 per cent at this morning's auction.
Fonterra's farmer shareholders will vote next month on whether to accept governance changes to trim the board.
NZ's relationship with the Philippines is in great shape and growing as the two countries celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations.
Fonterra has enlisted the help of Richie McCaw to help show the co-operative is not a "faceless corporate".
Expensive farm equipment is sitting idle on farms around the country. MachineryLink Sharing wants to change that.
New Zealand's largest meat processor will hold a special meeting of shareholders on its planned tie up with China's Shanghai Maling Aquarius.
Nearly all dairy cattle on more than 11,000 farms are now fenced off from waterways, a new report shows -- but an environmental group fears the full picture isn't being shown.
Gary Helou, managing director of Australia's biggest dairy company has resigned after the company lodged its second major earnings downgrade of this year.
Mystery has enveloped the ginseng industry-the biggest customer for a small Canadian county has disappeared.
Workers weren't allowed time off, including a pregnant woman who was told she'd be laid off if she took maternity leave.
The trend towards organic produce means the US is now importing animal feed from Romania.
A farmhand did not face animal cruelty charges because a council wrongly said drowning possums was a humane way to kill them.