Six ways to spot a looming recession
Economist Cameron Bagrie shared economic warning signs of recession with farmers.
Economist Cameron Bagrie shared economic warning signs of recession with farmers.
A farm has tested positive for Mycoplasma bovis in the north Canterbury region.
The work of farmers fencing streams is paying water quality dividends but more to do.
James Shaw says this Govt's approach to climate change is not just about farming.
Biosecurity risks so far don't come bigger than Mbovis cattle disease.
The Bay of Plenty urgently needs 1200 pickers to harvest this season's kiwifruit crop.
Bid to find at least 1,200 people to pick and pack the rest of the kiwifruit harvest.
The Government wants to limit farming run-off and intensification.
Tough measures aim to control pollution in rural waterways.
For first time Fonterra can be compared to NZ dairy competitors.
COMMENT: Some of dullest minds in the country found at local government tables.
Brent Thomas says he is "horrified" and is working to reach a collaborative solution.
Agriculture Minister wants answers from his new council within a year.
Offer of shares in Waiapu Investments could raise up to $2 million.
How to reach the 2050 reduction targets, Pattrick Smellie reports.
NZ can make big reductions in greenhouse gases.
Buffalo milk cheese company wins top award at Food Producer Awards
Urine from 4.8m dairy cows putting 200 tonnes of leached nitrogen into groundwater daily.
Fonterra watchdog calls for report on company's value build and capital spending.
Inspectors were shocked by what they found at the US egg farm.
The pair pleaded guilty to one charge each under the Biosecurity Act.
A new diagnostic tool is being developed to allow farmers to test for M. bovis.
The Government has announced the leadership of a powerful new committee on climate change.
Error means more than 500 farmers growing variety linked to deaths of cows and sheep.
Fonterra to pay small-medium trades and services suppliers in shorter time.
The products will be sourced from New Zealand and Australia.
New data released by Land, Air, Water Aotearoa shows river quality trends are high.
Sustainability equals longevity for dairy farmers. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Acting principal Heather Dallas has been made permanent and has big plans for term two
Fonterra shareholders want a Kiwi chief executive this time round.