Farmers shocked as MPI steps up M. bovis programme
Lobby group says timing could not be worse.
Lobby group says timing could not be worse.
Jamie Mackay looks back on a quarter of a century in radio.
A fraudster who swindled more than $40,000 claims he is now on the straight and narrow.
Farmers and growers are making ever-increasing efforts to recycle plastics and chemicals.
Once too polluted to swim in, the Mangapiko Stream can now be enjoyed by all.
King Country farmer Scott Gower won the Western North Island B+LNZ directorship.
Joint probe with IRD alleges a $16m GST fraud over four years.
Rates might be low but tougher lending criteria is putting the squeeze on business.
The system from a Dutch company was developed as a solution for ammonia reduction.
SAFE said it was appalled to see the emaciated state of the cows.
In a world first, T&G orchard are harvesting some of their apples using a robot.
Biological emissions from farms should be policed differently to CO2, watchdog says.
A feature of farming is typically lower returns but high asset values.
German backpacker Selina Fray was 19 when she arrived in Australia for a working holiday.
Fonterra's new leaders are devoid of gloss.
The dairy giant releases its half-year result tomorrow.
COMMENT: As risks around domestic economy grow, export prices once again come to rescue.
Farmers called it a "mangy dog", but so far they're quiet on capital gains tax threat.
It is time the fire service and DoC looked at ways to remove these pine trees.
COMMENT: Winston Peters was badly off his game in an important week.
Environmentalists have welcomed a proposed water tax, amid other suggested overhauls.
Changes are coming for the regulatory framework governing high-country leases.
Excellent rating for water on Te Anga farms. Made with funding from NZ on Air.
Could New Zealanders ever do the Wilde thing and lay off slaughtering animals?
B+LNZ Western North Island director candidate Andrew Stewart makes his pitch
The incident took place near Puhoi, north of Auckland earlier this evening.
A man became stuck in a tractor in Southland just before 12pm today.
John Wilson chaired the company during some of its most volatile times