Records sought on Crafar bidder
Authorities managing the bankruptcy estate of a businesswoman facing bribery charges in Hong Kong have gone to the High Court to get access to records held by an Auckland law firm.
Authorities managing the bankruptcy estate of a businesswoman facing bribery charges in Hong Kong have gone to the High Court to get access to records held by an Auckland law firm.
Dairy prices posted their fifth consecutive gain at this morning’s GlobalDairyTrade auction.
A probe into how three banks marketed interest rate swaps to farmers will see up to $24.2 million go back to rural customers and their communities, with Westpac following ANZ and ASB and settling with the Commerce Commission.
Livestock Improvement Corp will set off on a "roadshow" in June to sound out its farmer-shareholders about the possibility of raising capital to drive growth.
The jury is still out on the feasibility of cow barns for New Zealand farming, according to a DairyNZ study.
Drought throughout much of the South Island and dry conditions in parts of the North look set to add urgency to water storage and irrigation schemes.
Lindsay Carruthers doesn't use a rain gauge when it comes to measuring rainfall on his Middlemarch farm.
Livestock Improvement Corp, a farmer co-operative that sells bull semen and provides a dairy genetics database, posted a 10 per cent gain in first-half profit on increased demand for its products and....
The Minister for Primary Industries, Nathan Guy, is expected to declare South Canterbury and North Otago drought areas when he visits the rapidly depleting Opuha Dam, near Fairlie, today.
While a prediction of sunny weather for the rest of the month will be good news to sunseekers, it's unlikely to be welcomed by those suffering from dry conditions.
Dairy prices spiked higher at this morning's GlobalDairyTrade (GDT) auction, the GDT price index gaining 9.4 per cent since the last sale on January 21.
Rain forecast for this week is unlikely to offset a soil-parching big dry that has put much of the country at serious fire risk and begun to hurt farmers in hot-spot areas.
Thirty-seven workers were killed on the job in the last financial year and the agricultural industry was deemed to be the deadliest.
Prices continued to improve at this morning’s GlobalDairyTrade auction, the GDT price index gaining 1 per cent since the last sale a fortnight ago.
This will be the year in which New Zealand dairy farmers, companies, investors and their bankers will find themselves consumed by a crucial question - is the White Gold Rush finally over or will....
A resource consent bid for a chicken egg layer farm of 310,000 birds in rural south Auckland has been rejected, because of fears it would be too stinky.
Summer is hitting full force, with temperatures rising above 27C north of Auckland and farmers bracing for drought.
Falling milk powder prices have hit consumers' economic confidence in the key dairy regions of Southland and the Waikato, says Westpac.
Farmers and rural householders are being warned about starting fires after a "crazy" seven hours by South Island firefighters tackling small rural blazes today.
Dairy farmers were offered a respite from what has so far been a dismal season for prices after the GlobalDairyTrade index gained 3.6 per cent at the first auction for 2015.
A shortage of sheep north of Auckland has placed Kaikohe's shearing competition under pressure - but organisers are confident they can make it click.
The international dairy trade has started 2015 on a positive note at this morning's GlobalDairyTrade auction, up 3.6 per cent on last month's auction.
Canterbury is on the verge of a 20th century-style drought with the southern region the driest it has been in a decade, forcing farmers to sell surplus stock and leading to restrictions on irrigation....
A farmer was forced to get rid of a type of cow that was bred by Hitler's scientists because the ultra-aggressive breed tried to kill staff.