Latest fromFarming

Fran O'Sullivan: Plan to can middle-men milking parents
A major disruptive play will be launched in the Chinese baby formula market in Beijing today which could ultimately have a big impact - some say seismic - on the price paid for imported product by....

Upset farmers dump poo
An ongoing dispute with a North Otago farmer who says he is at his wit's end has landed the Otago Regional Council in the poo - literally.

Juha Saarinen: Connectivity even more vital for rural users
Having broadband access is a societal good, there's no doubt about that.

Dairy sector tipped to deal with EU boost
The dairy industry can weather the prospect of increased production from the EU once quotas are lifted on April 1, says the chief executive of the farmer-funded DairyNZ.

Fonterra expected to hold forecast
Economists expect Fonterra to stick with its $4.70 per kg farm gate milk price forecast for 2014/15 when it reports its first-half result tomorrow.

Jamie Gray: Wild swings look like becoming part of the landscape
Just when you thought it was safe to venture into the dairy market, prices drop by 8.8 per cent.

Winning streak over as dairy prices fall
International dairy prices fell by 8.8 per cent at this morning's GlobalDairyTrade auction - the first sale to be held since the 1080 infant formula scare.

Cyclone Pam brings relief for farmers
Cyclone Pam has come with a silver lining for many farmers, bringing much-needed rain to most parts of the North Island.

Chris Castle and Linda Sanders: Phosphate mining rejection hypocritical
The income earned by extracting phosphate would be $9.7 million per sq km, compared with $9000 per sq km annually from bottom trawling.

Safety advice: Who to contact
What to do if you have any information about the threats and who to contact If you have any questions about what to feed your baby.

1080: Pesticide's toxic history
Few pesticides arouse as much intense feelings between users of 1080 and opponents of the toxic substance.

NZ set to lead over drone rules
Allowing drones to operate beyond the operator's line of sight could provide economic gains of up to $190m a year to New Zealand's farming, forestry and energy sectors.

Dairy auction prices keep firming
Dairy prices firmed at the latest GlobalDairyTrade auction, backing expectations that Fonterra will meet its $4.70 a kg farmgate milk price this season, but concerns remain about muted demand from....

Dairy prices up 1.1pc overnight
Dairy product prices rose in the latest overnight GlobalDairyTrade auction.

Dairy helps raise commodity price index
Higher dairy prices pushed ANZ's commodity price index up 1.8 per cent last month.

Alarm over UK farm output drop
An alarming decline in food production at British farms will leave shoppers at the mercy of prices and quality elsewhere in the world, warns a UK farming report.

MyFarm launches $5m kiwifruit orchard
New Zealand farm investment company MyFarm, which up until now has specialised in the pastoral sector, has weighed into kiwifruit with the launch of a $5 million orchard syndicate.

Can foreign owners save our country?
If your stance on foreign ownership of prized New Zealand countryside is black or white, the case of Robert "Mutt" Lange reveals issues that are far from clear-cut.

Fonterra 'on track' to hit payout
Fonterra chief financial officer Lukas Paravicini rejects the notion that the co-operative is playing safe in keeping this season's farm gate milk price forecast at $4.70 a kilogram of milksolids.

High country's 'jewel' for sale
The historic Craigieburn Station, in the central Canterbury foothills, has come up for sale for the first time in 98 years.

Forecast brighter for Fonterra
Fonterra's board will have reason for cautious optimism when it meets tomorrow to review its farmgate milk price forecast for 2014/15.