Fertiliser prices a mixed bag for farmers
Volatility on world fertiliser markets and the decline in the New Zealand dollar has brought with it a mixed bag of price changes for farmers.
Volatility on world fertiliser markets and the decline in the New Zealand dollar has brought with it a mixed bag of price changes for farmers.
Two Auckland men met about two years ago and in that short time they have discovered they have the same passion - cleaning up waterways.
A taxpayer grant of $11 million to farm wagyu cattle will benefit an overseas businessman at the centre of the Saudi farm controversy.
Farmers at this week's Fieldays at Mystery Creek will have cost control and innovation on their minds as they try and mitigate the impact of a cashflow crunch caused by sharply lower dairy....
The sale of Lochinver station to Chinese interests spearheaded by Shanghai Pengxin reignited concerns about farm sales to foreigners during the election campaign.
Two successive years of low milk prices will increase pressure on the asset quality of New Zealand banks, says ratings agency Fitch.
Murray McCully's controversial $10m deal bypassed the normal Govt control channels, writes Fran O'Sullivan. "The deal is now being challenged as an outright bribe."
The yawning gap between supply and demand once again made its presence felt at the latest GlobalDairyTrade (GDT) auction.
International dairy prices continued to fall as the market struggles to recover from a supply/demand imbalance and subdued demand from China.
Trust set-up raises issue of whether farmer shareholder and external investor interests in Fonterra are fully aligned.
Murray McCully's secret Saudi deal is attracting far too much adverse comment on the international stage to be easily swept under the carpet, writes Fran O'Sullivan.
Claims of corruption, bribery and lies are being made about the Government’s unorthodox scheme of flying sheep to Saudi Arabia, writes Bryce Edwards.
ANZ breached the Fair Trading Act for misleadingly representing interest rate swaps to some customers.
Fonterra's cut its payout forecast by 10c to $4.40 a kilo of milk solids and says it expects to pay out $5.25 a kilo for next season.
A threat of legal action being used to partly justify nearly $12 million spent on a Saudi businessman's farm was clearly hollow, Labour says.
A controversy over the spending of millions of dollars on a overseas businessman’s farm in Saudi Arabia has boiled over in Parliament with accusations of bribery.
New Zealand spent more than $11.5 million to help establish a demonstration farm in Saudi Arabia - but does not have any contractual rights to access it.
Farm prices have continued to rise, despite the near halving of milk prices over the past year, according to Real Estate Institute of New Zealand data.
Farmers don't expect special treatment from this year's Budget, but some recognition of the impact that the drought has had on farm finances would be a welcome move.
Farm prices have continued to rise, despite the near halving of milk prices over the last year, according to REINZ.
Fonterra's strategy has to start delivering or its market share will shrink further, says Federated Farmers Otago dairy chairman Stephen Crawford.
Fonterra farmers have been tipped to go without a "retro" payment in July as the co-operative rebalances.
We continue to strive for higher production in farming to raise more profit per square metre of land, writes Sam Judd. Perhaps there is a way to make a shed which is nice for the animals, with room to move around whilst still productive?
The old joke that there's nothing in New Zealand but sheep may have run its course, as stock numbers hit lows not seen since during the Second World War.
The Reserve Bank has singled out the New Zealand dairy sector as an "area of risk" for the financial system.
An Angus sirloin was last night crowned the Grand Champion of steaks in New Zealand. Catherine Smith was one of the lucky judges.
Fonterra will late this month release its milk price forecast for 2015/16 and indications are that it will be towards the lower end of market expectations.
Saskatchewan, Canada's biggest agricultural province, imposed a temporary ban last month on certain investors acquiring farmland, reports Bloomberg.
ANZ Bank New Zealand, the country's biggest lender, was the most aggressive in pitching interest rate swaps to farmers, the Commerce Commission says.