Shane Jones talks mining on The Country
Shane Jones, Samuel Whitelock, Dan Hodgen, Phil Ropiha, Toby Williams.
Shane Jones, Samuel Whitelock, Dan Hodgen, Phil Ropiha, Toby Williams.
“The leadership in consumer marketing is happening at the edges, by the entrepreneurs.”
Rugby fundraiser is to support farmers affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.
Project highlights enormous cost of fixing region’s road network.
Capturing the innocence of a young child who sees the farm as his playground.
Richard McIntyre, Ben Picton, Katie Milne, Warwick Catto, Jamie Strang, Chris Russell.
Farmer confidence in banks has plummeted to the lowest level in nearly a decade.
Whanganui Collegiate Old Boy to walk 100km for fundraising.
Green kiwifruit growers paid $9.55 a tray, up from $5.78 for the 2022-23 season.
Prices for a key ingredient of chocolate and icecream rose in a strong auction showing.
OPINION: The three Rs are important in education, and so are the three Fs.
OPINION: Research shows strong brands command a price premium and grow faster than rivals.
Shareholders will want to know where the value is going to come from after any divestment.
'Pioneering' company wanting to develop heat-tolerant cattle hit trouble overseas.
Ian Kirkpatrick, Cameron Bagrie, Damien O'Connor, Roger Dickie, Tom Martin.
Auckland-based Daisy Lab has spent the past few years developing dairy-identical proteins.
'The city lifestyle seems to come with a lot more pressure and stress.'
A two-year study sheds light on short-rotation forestry opportunities for regional NZ.
S&P Global Ratings has lent its support to Fonterra's plan to sell its consumer business.
Britain's National Farmers Union reacted to supermarket Morrisons selling NZ lamb.
This time a year ago, fresh produce was at the mercy of extreme weather events.
Pokaiwhenua Catchment Group helps households to trap pests in their backyards.
Farm manager Ben Purua and Wairarapa Moana ki Pouākani Incorporation honoured at awards.
Southern Institute of Technology yet to replace tutors; semester two starts in July.
An act of considerable audacity was perpetrated on Sunday evening or night, August 27.
Experimenting with textures, shapes and colours is Angela McKenzie’s passion.
New apprenticeship scheme combines on-farm experience, academic learning and life skills.
Ari Dekker on the co-op’s move to put its consumer business up for sale.
Todd McClay, Emma Poole, Chris Brandolino, Rowena Duncum.
Glen Kaycee Sherlock JG is a CRV Jersey bull bred by the Tucker family from Northland.