Rabobank survey shows farmers more confident in themselves
The latest Rabobank Rural Confidence Survey is out.
The latest Rabobank Rural Confidence Survey is out.
The bull sale has given the Thomson family an extra financial boost during a tough time.
The cadets built an education hub. Now their attention is focused on a six-stand woolshed.
The appearance came after the announcement agriculture won't be included in the ETS.
Inflation has eaten into what historically would have been a strong farmgate milk price.
All three projects have resource consent, are construction ready.
The company made the announcement while the NZ sharemarket was closed.
Prices for a key ingredient of chocolate and icecream rose in a strong auction showing.
OPINION: Research shows strong brands command a price premium and grow faster than rivals.
This year's event will have a line-up of 1000 exhibitors at Mystery Creek.
'I’m actually operating illegally, and I’m the chairman of Environment Canterbury.'
There are now 37 farmers involved in the Informing New Zealand Beef programme.
Delay gives more time to do a better job, including collecting more data from water users.
It's the first time Alliance has asked farmers for capital in 32 years.
A good breeding season means opening weekend looks promising for hunters.
“No one wishes to see the creek run dry again."
Federated Farmers says the changes “mark the end of the war on farming”.
Farmers say harvesting wool costs twice what they are paid for the product.
'I actually met the love of my life, Jennifer, right here on the farm.'
'I'll be surprised if any Northland farmers make a profit this year.'
Five key elements are outlined for Synlait to have a clear plan to slash debt.
The Kerikeri reservoir is set to to free up more land for horticulture.
“We’re aware of the community’s frustration regarding the recent fish strandings."
Oromahoe Trust, managed by Dean Candy, wins 2024 regional farming award
OPINION: The latest global dairy auction shows demand for our biggest export is down.
'Endless amounts of dead eels, freshwater crayfish and fish' found.
Synlait is required to make a prepayment of at least $130m by no later than March 31.
“A healthier river means a healthier community."
South Canterbury irrigation scheme is running dry with only a week's worth of water left.
Scientists have welcomed the EPA's new clarification of GMO-derived 'null segregants'.