Abuse victim raises alarm on Facebook
A domestic violence victim whose partner took her phone so she couldn't call police managed to raise the alarm via Facebook instead.
A domestic violence victim whose partner took her phone so she couldn't call police managed to raise the alarm via Facebook instead.
Fathers will patrol Kaitaia streets and a community hui will be held to make the town safer after 10 teenage girls were attacked by at least 20 drunk young people.
A garage, a ute and a fishing launch have been destroyed in two fires in the Far North.
Three dogs have been impounded following an attack in Kaitaia which left a 31-year-old man with bite wounds to his back, legs and feet.
Four boys were dobbed in by their families after allegedly breaking into a woman's home while her death was being mourned.
A rodent problem in the Far North has compounded concerns for poorer families amid the cold snap, as some children are having to sleep on flimsy mattresses on floors instead of beds.
The Far North's top cop is refuting claims police don't have enough staff to make their new rosters work.
A Far North drug dealer was charged after receiving intercepted text messages from customers complaining about the quality of his product.
A long-running legal battle between a US billionaire and a Far North iwi over a beachfront subdivision has ended up in the Court of Appeal.
A noticeable gang presence is still frustrating community leaders in the Northland community of Moerewa.
In Kaitaia, get sand between your toes and see the sights, says Elisabeth Easther.
Top Gear stars Jeremy Clarkson and James May toasted the end of their time in New Zealand over a long lunch at the Viaduct.
Minister says Housing NZ stock needs work before it can impose conditions on private landlords
Northland's tinder-dry conditions caused a quad bike fire to extend into a blaze which threatened homes and which took four fire crews and two helicopters to extinguish.
Cate Foster takes a nostalgic drive through the hill country between Herekino and Hokianga.
Police arrested four members of one family after a motorbike was allegedly driven around a Kaikohe street in a dangerous manner.
A Far North district councillor has just days to stump up more than $800,000 or face bankruptcy.
A controversial new mussel farm off the Far North coast has been given the green light amid claims it will displace dolphins and deprive boaties of safe anchorage.
A stranger's speedy action saved the life of a toddler who slipped off the pontoon at Mangonui wharf and "sank like a stone".
Thieves stole dozens of boogie boards from a tour bus that got bogged down in sand on Ninety Mile Beach at the weekend.