Opinion: No place for knickers on the net
It's something of a tradition now to film drunk girls - sometimes guys - at the Melbourne Cup and upload them for others to laugh at, Heather writes.
It's something of a tradition now to film drunk girls - sometimes guys - at the Melbourne Cup and upload them for others to laugh at, Heather writes.
Mozilla is warning web users that the push to squeeze ever more internet consumption into apps risks undermining a neutral, public internet.
The heartbroken mother of a bullied teen has appealed to her daughter's tormenters to stop their dangerous words.
A wildlife sanctuary boss is lost for words after photos of him dressed in drag were sent to Wellington City Councillors with a poison pen letter.
Spam filter accidentally blocked a simple phrase "everyone will know".
Schuler Benson was accidentally logged into a random stranger's Facebook account, a twist of fate that led to a love affair and marriage.
A single mother fed up with her son's bad behaviour penned a letter to him and posted it to Facebook - with a huge response.
We may have stopped forwarding them years ago, but the chain email never really died: It just migrated to Facebook.
Shelley Bridgeman on why pregnant bellies and discreet breastfeeding is ok - but the act of giving birth and exhibitionist breastfeeding is not for online posting.
Facebook has announced that other companies can use its internal diversity training. But is this a case of "Do as I say and not as I do?"
"I can't believe I'm stuck with this stupid name and I still can't get into my Facebook. It's ludicrous and I am embarrassed to tell people what has happened."
For the first time, users will be able to choose for themselves which posts and pages appear at the top of their feeds.
Before you take your unfriend-number to heart, remember most of the people we connect with on Facebook are not, and were never, actually our friends.
You'll do much better in the 'likes' stakes if you are willing to wait until the optimal time to post on Facebook.
Facebook users will one day be able to send messages and posts telepathically, says founder Mark Zuckerberg.
The kind of food Facebook is advertising to teenagers is the subject of a study being done at the University of Auckland.
A whopping 26 million people have slapped a rainbow flag over their Facebook photos to "celebrate pride."
Google, Facebook and other big internet companies will be forced to hand over encrypted conversations of suspected terrorists and criminals under plans to bolster surveillance powers.
A 20-year-old man pleaded not guilty in the Napier District Court this morning over charges related to a party described as a "Facebook fiasco".
The parents of two boys who set themselves on fire as part of an online craze have pleaded for videos promoting the dangerous stunt to be taken off the internet.
Facebook has introduced to New Zealand users a feature, called Legacy Contact, that allows a friend or relative to access a person's account after they die.
Prime Minister John Key’s social media adviser registered the changetheflag.nz website - but the group says that does not undermine its claim to independence.
Facebook is seeking to understand its cultural effects for insight into how to create products and for academic purposes.
A 15-year-old girl has been arrested following an assault in Kaikohe that was filmed and posted online.
Facebook's notifications tab is about to get a whole lot busier, thanks to a planned overhaul of the feature by Facebook developers.
How does Facebook know who all your friends are, even better than you do? Caitlin Dewey solves the social networking mystery.
"It's a popular belief that all of us have seven people in the world who look like us. Wouldn't it be amazing to find them? To know what they are doing with themselves?"
Kiwis use Facebook to find sources of entertainment, new recipes and to read breaking news, according to the first release of data about New Zealand users.
Tens of thousands of good Samaritans on social media have helped reunite an Ashburton man with his late wife's stolen jewellery.