Facebook and the tyranny of 'positive' content
Among the subjects that people "love" on Facebook the most: celebrity children, nature and service animals.
Among the subjects that people "love" on Facebook the most: celebrity children, nature and service animals.
Facebook users are fed up with clickbait headlines and they're fighting back.
A new survey finds consumers are pretty cynical about why CEOs speak out on social issues.
Facebook has once again tweaked the formula it uses to decide what people will see in their news feed
Trawling Facebook can prompt the insecure mind to seek out potential relationship threats.
COMMENT: Who is going to give you all these answers and without payment of money? Google!
COMMENT: Tax - it's about doing the right thing, writes Spark managing director Simon Moutter.
Social media posts, blogs are telling streaming companies and producers what to weave together on-screen for the best chance of bottom-line success.
COMMENT: How wide is the gulf between what you know you should do; and what you actually are doing?
COMMENT: Seven ways to use the new Facebook Live video streaming for your business.
A high school student in the US was mortified after she was called into the principal's office and told she needed to wear a bra to school.
Mary Meeker's annual report is a telling look at how we spend our time online.
Warren Buffet's Giving Pledge has added another 17 signatories to the charitable scheme.
Now you can see women in more roles than just dancing in a red dress.
Facebook is gearing up to live chat astronauts on the International Space Station tomorrow afternoon.
You may think you're popular with more than 500 Facebook friends but don't kid yourself, says a study. You still have only about five friends in real life.
COMMENT: NZ's most insatiable fighter exploded into the public eye on the weekend, throwing his weight and his fists about - furious, indefatigable.
A new study suggests your Facebook friends have too much of an influence on what you pay for a house.
COMMENT: Facebook is simply millions of lighted-up houses to peer into. But you can't go home to all of them, writes Deborah Hill Cone.
Sheryl Sandberg's touching Facebook post says she never realised how the odds are stacked against single mums until her husband died.
Facebook is so concerned about the safety of Mark Zuckerberg that his security costs are ten times those of prime ministers.
Facebook might add a digital tip jar to posts, providing a revenue-generating source for users, according to a survey obtained by the Verge.
The Bay Area has long been the center of the technology world, and it remains the undisputed king of startups.
COMMENT: Facebook Live is the latest step Facebook has taken to own the internet.
A "bug" in Facebook's safety check erroneously sent messages to people all around the world after the Pakistan bombings.
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are attempting to save us from ourselves.
Police detained Diego Dzodan for failing to cooperate with orders related to information on the company's website in an investigation of drug trafficking.
French parents are being warned to stop posting pictures of children on social networks in case their offspring later sue them for breaching their privacy.
The companies are showing their support for Apple, which is fighting the U.S. government over accessing a locked iPhone.
I wish Facebook had introduced a chin-stroking emoji ... or an 'I'll get back to you on that' button, writes Deborah Hill Cone.