Latest fromEuropean Union

Marmite is toast in Denmark
Marmite has been banned by the Danish government because the product is fortified with added vitamins.

Greek fears amplify - world shares, euro weaken overnight
Stocks fell in Europe and the US and the euro weakened amid concern Europe's debt-crisis is worsening and America's economic recovery is running out of puff.

Phil O'Reilly: NZ needs to pace itself over climate change negotiations
It's foolish to rush into further commitments on cutting carbon emissions, writes Phil O'Reilly

Mutual love of rugby helps Key-Sarkozy talks
Pomp and ceremony joined with a mutual love of rugby in John Key's one-day visit to Paris.

France, Italy push for tighter EU border controls
The leaders of France and Italy have called for an overhaul of the system of passport-free travel across 25 European nations.

Arnie eyes new job as top man in Europe
Arnold Schwarzenegger could have his sights set on a new job as next head of the European Union.

No Google honeymoon for Larry Page
As Larry Page's ascension to the chief executive post this week marks a coming of age for him, Google itself is also coming of age in another way.

<i>Nick Smith</i>: The score: Boy racers 1, women 0
Testosterone-fuelled drivers will benefit from bid to erase gender inequality.

<i>Jim Eagles</i>: Time to take a look at the rule book
At Auckland International Airport I watched sympathetically as my young daughter wrestled with the dilemma of how to meet the needs of three young children within the limits of the aviation security rules.

Anglo-French push lifts standing of EU
Sarkozy and Cameron lead drive for UN-backed intervention in Libya as Gaddafi's tanks roll