Latest fromEurope

Dirty jokes and sex talk uncovered in Anne Frank's diary
The pages were pasted over with brown masking tape.

Harry and Meghan: Checking out the wedding venue
Take a walk inside the historic venue for Saturday's royal wedding.

Prague: Reality Czech
Graham Reid goes back in time and underground into Prague of the Cold War.

Ditching Iran deal a big mistake for Trump
Pulling out of the agreement is more likely to make Iran develop nuclear weapons.

Elderly German neo-Nazi apprehended, sent to prison
Octogenarian Holocaust denier has begun her prison sentence.

Epic road trip: 'The challenge will be staying sane'
The plan is to travel from London to Russia through 42 countries - but there's a catch.

Frozen fraud: Man ordered to support son he didn't know he had
Woman forged ex-husband's signature to use frozen embryos for IVF treatment.

Rubens written off by museum expected to fetch millions
Collector set to cash in after New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art sold off a Rubens.

Venice ready to close gates on tourists
Popular Italian city has installed gates to turn back tourists if numbers swell.

Austria: The splendour that is Vienna
Eat, drink, dance and be very merry in Vienna, writes Kate Haywood.

Special onesie for the PM's baby
What do you give a fellow Prime Minister when she's expecting a baby?

Heartfelt thanks to kidney donor from rugby star Sione Vaiomoʻunga
'I thank God I am alive. I have energy to play with my boys,' says Sione Vaiomoʻunga.

George Michael's last work coming to NZ
Last interview took place two day's before singer's 2016 death, friend says.

First Kiwi flight fatality: Death in circus tights
Balloonist was New Zealand's first aviation fatality, in 1899

Anzac trilogy reveals three pocket-sized hits
Short and not so sweet -- three plays sharply illuminate the tragedy of World War I

Editorial: Please be careful what you 'accept', Jacinda
Ardern learning the language - and lessons - of international diplomacy

Secret diary of PM's European trip: Night walk, comfort shoes, a worried partner
COMMENT: She won people over from Paris to London. but it wasn't all glamour for Ardern.

Flight disruption for months after Air NZ pulls out two aircraft
Two of Air New Zealand's 11 Dreamliner aircraft have been withdrawn for repairs.

Peters raises prospect of North Korea trade deal
Peters says taking Russia deal off table was right call - but it will be back.

Kia ora, Ma'am: Jacinda meets Queen, remains a republican
After meeting the Queen, PM says it is possible to be republican and respect the royals.

Man with 3 faces: Frenchman gets second face transplant
Frenchman gets second 'new' face after his first face transplant died.

Germany on alert over recession risk
Country reliant on world trade and therefore a bellwether for health of global economy.

Merkel: 'You can be proud of your PM. This will be your morning headline, I guess'
Ardern's visit could be a welcome reprieve for Merkel.

Jacinda Ardern in Paris: My gran once booed me about climate change
Ardern concedes her Govt is 'unique', but they do agree on climate change action.

What Ardern can learn from Merkel
Merkel could teach Ardern a trick or two about dealing with Trumpesque egos around her.

Europe's best Christmas markets
We look at some of the most magical European Christmas markets.

Macron, Merkel, May and Ma'am: Jacinda's big trip
Ardern's Europe trip will include meetings with fellow 'young' leaders Macron and Trudeau.