Latest fromEurope

Low fares to help fill seats
Air fares as low as $1,365 return to Europe are on sale as airlines try to top up planes for the coming year.

Visiting Sir Ed's Welsh watering hole
Peter de Graaf follows in the steps of Everest's conqueror, visiting Sir Edmund Hillary's local pub in Wales.

Dita De Boni: Key rocks on with trickle-down groupies
Those at Davos, seemingly representing the interests of the very wealthy, like to think they are working to make the world a better place - as long as they are not inconvenienced in doing so.

FBI fooled bumbling Russian spies
Another tale of Russian spooks operating in the US has emerged, described by the former CIA analyst Mark Stout as a "classic case of espionage".

New Greek PM forges odd alliance
Alexis Tsipras was sworn in as the new Prime Minister of Greece, after his radical left-wing movement forged an unwieldy alliance with a far-right party.

Scotland: Making Attenborough proud
A wildlife cruise on the Isle of Mull is heaven for bird lovers, writes Richard Tulloch.

Montenegro: Climbing a stairway to heaven
On a cruise stopover in Kotor, Carol Smith finds the view from the top is worth the climb. The medieval Balkan town and hilltop fortress is one port of call on a magical trip around the Mediterranean.

Greek PM already feeling Eurozone heat
Greece's new far-left Syriza party promised to dump tough austerity measures - but will that mean the country will have to leave the Eurozone to do it?

Bar/fly: Ibiza, Spain
In Ibiza's bars, young travellers pay big prices, but there are ways to avoid a budget blowout, writes Sam McKeith.

Wary watch on Europe's financial markets
Financial markets will this week find whether the Swiss National Bank's fears were well-founded when the European Central Bank announces its plan to revive economic growth.

1 per cent holds half the world's wealth
Combined wealth of world's richest 1 per cent will overtake that of remaining 99 per cent by 2016 unless action taken to curb "shocking extremes" of inequality.

ECB set to reveal big bond buy
The European Central Bank is set to unveil a programme of mass bond buying next week to save the eurozone from deflation.

Bar/fly: Munich's Oktoberfest
Munich's Oktoberfest is the largest festival in Europe and one Josh Martin enjoyed a little too much.

Tennis: It's tough at the top for Open's last star
If Ernests Gulbis appears to have a slightly stooped appearance at times today, there might be a good reason for it.

Ireland: A walk on the wilder side
Hobbling at the back of the pack (with one broken shoe) Jini Reddy hikes the heights of Connemara - home to staggering landscapes and well-earned seafood suppers.

Greece fails to elect new president
Greece will face a snap general election next month after MPs failed to elect a president in the final round of voting yesterday, prompting alarm in Athens’ financial market and the eurozone over the country’s commitment to its bailout terms.

Airbus quick to dispatch investigators
Airbus has rushed two specialists to Jakarta to assist in the investigation of the disappeared A320 airliner operated by AirAsia, the budget carrier that rose from almost nothing in 2001 to be its biggest customer.

Sweden: Worlds collide on the Arctic's doorstep
Swedish Lapland is a wonderland in winter, when traditional activities belie its modern role as an up-and-coming hub of international communication.

Rock star Pope's year of general awesomeness
In 2013 Pope Francis had a lot to celebrate. Not only was he named Time magazine person of the year, but was also awarded the title of Esquire's best-dressed man.

Book charts airline's bumpy ride to top
Eighty five years ago the carrier that was to become Hawaiian Airlines started commercial flights using a plane dubbed the "ugly duckling".

Cut-down Xmas shoppers 'had no chance'
A baby was feared to be among the victims as six people died and eight were injured when a rubbish truck careered out of control and into crowds of Christmas shoppers.

In awe of the Swiss travel system
Justine Tyerman ends up with a squashed nose after travelling on Swiss trains ...

Roar of the crowd heard in science
You can take a role in testing the effect of warming skin on memory. Or you can involve yourself in a bid to land a spaceship on the Moon....

Football: Release of report will end the crisis at Fifa
Fifa President Sepp Blatter declared "the crisis at Fifa is over" after the executive committee of football's governing body agreed to publish their confidential report into corruption in the 2018 and 2022 World Cup bids....

Obesity a disability?
Being fat is a disability, EU judges have ruled, meaning that European companies must offer obese staff bigger chairs, special parking spaces and a lighter workload.

Ordinary Russians secret to Putin survival
All politicians like to have props, and in Vladimir Putin's case, some are taken from the box marked Macho and others from the box marked Mother Russia.

UK police probe VIP sex ring murder claims
Scotland Yard is investigating claims that a Tory MP throttled a young boy to death during a depraved sex party in the 1970s and that two other boys were killed by a VIP paedophile ring.