Latest fromEthics & Philosophy

A novel approach
A professor nominates the 200 books that will teach you more than you will learn at University.

<i>Life lessons</i>: Parris Goebel
Life lessons from the hip-hop choreographer and dancer.

<i>Mark Thomas</i>: In business as in rugby Obey the rules or risk being yellow-carded
Sport has a lot to teach us about the importance of knowing the laws of the game, and following them.

Life lessons: Tania Nolan
The This Is Not My Life and Go Girls actress talks about what life has taught her.

The curious relationships between people and animals
Hal Herzog, one of America's foremost psychologists, is dedicated to understanding our often contradictory behaviour towards different species.

Ryan Murphy's message of hope
Film-maker Ryan Murphy felt a strong connection with Liz Gilbert's Eat Pray Love.

<i>Bernard Hickey - </i> The free market god doesn't exist
I feel like a priest who has been wrestling with his belief in god...

Mother's last day - son charged
A man who wrote a book about the death of his cancer-stricken mother has been charged with her attempted murder.

<i>Geoff Hardy</i>: Dropping into red brings out managers' true colours
Recessions test ethics and morality.

Burger ad complaint not upheld
A complaint that a Burger King TV ad was offensive to vegetarians by suggesting a burger could convert them to eating meat has not been upheld.

Bored? You should be ...
Tedium, dullness, monotony, ennui ... it's a fact of modern life. Instead of resenting it, Rhodri Marsden reckons we should embrace the lost art of being really, really bored.

Dying man's suicide bid
Euthanasia advocates say lawmakers need to address the issue of terminally ill people who try to take their own life.

Murder forcing University re-think
Universities may have to rethink their policies on staff-student relationships, following the Sophie Elliott case.

Playboy releases iPad app - but no nudity
Apple and Playboy are rather unlikely bedfellows.