Latest fromEthics & Philosophy

Tourism and human rights should go hand in hand
The group Tourism Concern is urging the travel industry to integrate a human rights approach into its business strategies.

It pays to live this day as if it were your last
The Independent's Sarah Sands reflects on the philosophies Steve Jobs lived by.

Where there's a will...
Success can be a state of mind. Dionne Christian talks to a trio of New Zealanders who had the determination to make their dreams come true.

Enrich your life and offer gifts that keep giving
Chris Liddell writes on the future of philanthropy and how we can get involved.

<i>Deborah Hill Cone</i>: Risk - you're surrounded by it
We may imagine we're bullet-proof, but life's dangers are always lurking.

<i>Deborah Hill Cone</i>: Playing it naff no longer for nits
Now, making a dork of yourself can be a winning leadership strategy.

Ten steps to happiness
There's no magic wand couples can wave to be happy, it's hard work that does it, say relationship expert Harville Hendrix and his wife Helen LaKelly Hunt.

<i>Gill South</i>: Motivational motives
Gill South sits down with leadership coach Sally Anderson to have herself pushed in the right direction.

Run, rabbits
Hop to it - the Year of the Rabbit is almost here. Karyn Scherer goes seeking guidance on what's in our stars.

Life lessons: Jools and Lynda Topp
The urbane legends share lessons life has taught them.

<i>Inside Money: </i>How to make bread with KiwiSaver
David Chaplin looks into the Exclusive Brethren's BCF KiwiSaver scheme.

<i>Jim Hopkins</i>: Reason and logic fall from the sky
Columnist Jim Hopkins searches for an explanation about why birds are falling out of the sky.

Less is more: The joys of being a minimalist
Rebecca Barry meets a group of New Zealanders for whom life means much more than material possessions.

<i>Deborah Hill Cone</i>: Beware the psychopath within
Be true to yourself, and keep your inner Madoff where he belongs.

Book Review: The Marrowbone Marble Company
An enormously worthy and well-intentioned novel, strengthened by its ethical content, burdened by the very same ethical content.

<i>Deborah Hill Cone</i>: Sometimes it's smart to be slow
These days you have to be hyped-up and blissed out simultaneously ... but slow down and think.

The art of giving
Before you whip out that credit card, ask yourself if the gift you're about to buy for someone is expressing your true feelings - or will it just insult them?

Words of wisdom
At 15 the world is your oyster, but what would you have liked your teenage self to know? Some high-profile New Zealand women share their pearls...

Life lessons: Robyn Kippenberger
The National chief executive of RNZSPCA shares some lessons life has taught her.

Something fishy about that diet
Shelley Bridgeman reveals why she has become a secret pescetarian.

<i>Deborah Hill Cone</i>: When win win beats win lose
Striving for victory is good, but sometimes cooperating is better.