The key players of Ihumātao land struggle
The occupation is unlikely to end soon.
The occupation is unlikely to end soon.
Call for more protection of endangered birds under Northland's Regional Plan.
Northland DHB challenges aspects of the proposed Regional Plan on air and water quality.
Environmentalists want plan change "called in" - Horizons chairman opposed to it.
David Walmsley says the view of the harbour does not belong to his neighbours.
Battles are still being fought over the long-gone fence that blocked million-dollar views.
David Parker has some issues over filling in the Waitematā Harbour with more concrete.
G L Smith writes of a way through the impasse over Fletcher Building's development plans.
Dean Brown said it had been made out like he was poisoning the people of Hawke's Bay.
Almost $250 million of your money's being spent - find out how.
Owner "took risk with other people's lives" using shipping containers as accommodation.
Controversial plan to build $1.4 billion housing development sunk by drawn-out appeals.
COMMENT: Auckland's council is run by bureaucrats, not the elected members.
COMMENT: Government needs to step in against housing scheme at Ihumatao.
Chairman annoyed because warning puts off visitors to reserve and campground
Auckland Council has "issues" with construction of boatshed helipad at Rod Duke mansion.
A court ruling issued today could mean council reserves are better protected from mining.
A community group set up to protect Otakiri Springs has had a small court victory.
Team NZ and the Environment Court agree Auckland needs seven bases for the cup.
Goff supports intensification on Dominion Rd and wants bureaucrats to agree on a plan.
A senior partner and a second lawyer at Russell McVeagh are on the ratepayer payroll.
Nearly 140 affected owners have building consent and been advised to take legal advice.
Land Meat New Zealand blames failure of a pump for waste discharge into Whanganui River.
Changing numbers on table will not increase nitrogen in waterways, councillors say
Decision a first under Environment Court's new powers
Environment Court is not expected to rule on concert until October.
Poll finds 91 per cent in favour of charity event at Eden Park.
Directors of Block 8 Farm fined $54,000 in Environment Court
Opposition to the Eden Park concert has come from former PM among others.
Auckland Council is adamant housing should not occur at Crater Hill and Okura.