Latest fromEntertainment Reviews

Theatre review: Gwen in Purgatory, Tapac
This 2010 Australian comedy-drama continues the year's mini-trend of realist, real-time shows, writes Janet McAllister.

Theatre review: Kiss the Fish, Q Theatre
The magic of Indian Ink returns after a period of international touring with a new work that has the shrewdness of fable combined with the sweetness of a pop song.

Review: APO jives to Haydn
The Mozart Requiem may have made for an almost full house on Thursday night as Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra's 2013 Choral Masterpiece, but the concert's inclusion of two Haydn works was very much appreciated.

Game review: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist
Is the new Tom Clancy game worthy of the name? Chris Schulz investigates.

Colin Hogg: Commentators tread water
Those two old dears TV One had shouting the changes through yesterday's America's Cup races should quietly chain themselves to something.

Classical review: New Zealand String Quartet, The Loft
The New Zealand String Quartet struggles to sustain a loyal Auckland audience and Q Loft was sparsely populated for the second of the group's Bravo! Britten concerts.

Classical review: Ingrid Fliter, Auckland Museum
Before a note had sounded in her recital for Auckland Museum's Fazioli series, Ingrid Fliter had an apology to make.

Theatre review: Lord of the Flies
William Golding's 1954 masterpiece is lodged within the psyche of generations who encountered it as a favoured school text.

TV Preview: Medics take to the street
New show aims to capture carnage, writes Sarah Lang.