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Movie review: Cloudburst
Oscar-winners Dukakis and Fricker are the buddies in this buddy comedy that is equal parts heartfelt and funny, even if the humour is often of the broad kind

Album review: Bond Street Bridge
Auckland's Sam Prebble of Bond Street Bridge admits to something approaching obsession after reading about Robert Falcon Scott's fatal expedition to the South Pole in 1912.

Movie review: About Time
Richard Curtis, who wrote the screenplays for Four Weddings and a Funeral and Notting Hill and was the writer/director of Love Actually.

Colin Hogg: Heartwarming TV makes a comeback
I've been off travelling, weathering several weeks on end without casting more than a passing eye at television, writes Colin Hogg.

Dance review: Polished show closes dance tour
Capacity audiences enjoy Tempo's closing weekend of established pieces and works in progress.

Classical review: Sounds of Pasifika cross the cultures
We are Pasifika was a big night for Manukau Symphony Orchestra, and we were in the stadium of the Vodafone Events Centre rather than the customary concert hall..

Movie review: Prisoners
Prisoners certainly holds you captive. From its deer-hunting opening scene, to its vexing conclusion two and half hours later, this crime thriller drags you into its world of dread and hurt and, at its own deliberate pace, barely lets up.

Movie review: Camille Claudel 1915
Formally rigorous and supremely controlled, this wonderfully designed and costumed biographical drama by the austere and provocative Dumont moves so slowly it can seem to be happening in real time.

Concert review: Beyonce at Vector Arena (+video)
It's been 12 years since Beyonce last graced a stage in New Zealand, but the moment she strutted on stage through the midst of her all girl band, and parted her sea of 10 dancers.

Passage of oratorio a little bumpy
It was a brave venture by Bach Musica to move from the suburbs to a sparsely populated town hall for its performance of Mendelssohn's St Paul.