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Concert Review: The King's Singers, Auckland Town Hall
The opening set of Tudor madrigals was heavenly; the refinement and blend of the men's ensemble mesmerised.

Concert review: Game, Vector Arena
He's had three No. 1 albums in seven years, is known for reinvigorating West Coast gangster rap and is considered by many hip-hop

Album review: Band of Skulls, Sweet Sour
You haven't heard of them yet, but you will soon. Band of Skulls, three super-confident Brits, look set to fill the giant boy-girl blues-rock void left vacant by the demise of the White Stripes.

Album review: Lydia Cole, Me & Moon
There's a sense of teetering on an edge in this debut album by 22-year-old Auckland songstress Lydia Cole.

Album review: Skrillex, Bangarang
This latest seven-track collection is an aural assault of electronica-dubstep-pop, designed to incite as much jumping, fist-pumping and head-banging as possible.

Movie reviews: Moneyball, Ides of March
You wait all year for a star-driven movie that says something about the state of the US of A, and where the leads play hardball with each other and get to butt heads with Philip Seymour Hoffman, and wouldn't ya know it? Two come along at once.