Latest fromEnergy

<i>Fraser Clark:</i> Wind farms a breath of fresh air for the energy sector
Wind generation has grown 10-fold since 2003, to more than 4 per cent today. This year alone wind capacity will grow nearly 25 per cent as three new wind farms are commissioned.

Australia beckons Pike River miners
Up to 50 redundant Pike River Coal mine employees could soon be crossing the Tasman to take up lucrative positions in Australian pits.

NZ: Land of unhealthy homes
Three out of four New Zealand homes are failing to meet new energy-efficiency standards.

Power restored to Wairarapa homes
Electricity has been restored to the 5500 Wairarapa households that suffered power cuts after strong winds snapped power poles yesterday.

Todd to build $100m power station in Taranaki
Todd Energy is to build a $100m gas-fired power station near Waitara in Taranaki.

Power restored to Napier
Power has been restored to Napier after a felled tree shortcircuited a cable supplying electricity to more than 21,000 people.

The carbon detectives
Cutting greenhouse-gas emissions is challenging enough. But what if we can't even measure the pollution we're trying to reduce?

Oil well inspector too busy: report
NZ has just one inspector to oversee safety in its oil exploration industry.

Man dies in Otago power cut
The death of a man whose breathing apparatus stopped during a power cut has been referred to a coroner.

Industry using less energy than first forecast
Statistics New Zealand has revised down by a fifth the amount of energy used in the industrial and trade sectors.