Mighty pay hike for board
Mighty River Power directors are to get a 73 per cent pay rise, it has been confirmed ahead of the release of offer documents for the company's partial float tomorrow.
Mighty River Power directors are to get a 73 per cent pay rise, it has been confirmed ahead of the release of offer documents for the company's partial float tomorrow.
When people like the PM talk of an orderly transition to a post-smelter environment, they are talking about the scrapping of generating capacity, writes Brian Fallow.
New Zealand's largest solar installation has been put on top of the refurbished Shed 10 on Auckland's waterfront.
The first bite of autumn will be felt over much of the country in the next few days as rain sets in over the South Island.
German carmaker Audi is undertaking an interesting experiment: at one specially equipped parking garage the cars park themselves.
Prospects of keeping the Tiwai Pt aluminium smelter open in the long-term are grim, with Meridian Energy saying it is still in the dark.
Rio Tinto isn't going to get a deal out of the Government and is likely to shut down the Tiwai Pt aluminium smelter potentially at the cost of thousands of jobs over the next five years.
The Government and its flagship asset sale programme will not be held hostage by Rio Tinto over the mineral giant's threat to close the Tiwai Point aluminium smelter, Prime Minister John Key said yesterday.
Contact's share price dropped this morning, partly in response to uncertainty over the future of the Tiwai Point aluminium smelter.
Prime Minister John Key says the government has "put its best foot forward" and will offer Rio Tinto no more than the short-term subsidy offered last week.
Auckland Museum is being touted as a green example for other city organisations after it succeeded in slashing its carbon footprint by 30 per cent in just two years.
Rio Tinto is doubtless more than happy that the Government has stepped in to try to broker a deal over the electricity supply contract for the Tiwai Pt aluminium smelter.
The Government has opened discussions with Tiwai Point aluminium smelter's ultimate owners Rio Tinto in a bid to broker a deal after talks between the smelter and Meridian Energy reportedly broke down.
Tiwai Pt aluminium smelter's owners have contradicted a report from Meridian, saying they think a power deal can be agreed on.
Consumers are putting their homes at risk by trusting unqualified solar power installers and substandard equipment, industry experts say.
If you've ever grabbed a pack of peas from the freezer to cool down a sprain or injury then you'll appreciate FrozenPeaz.
Millions of people around the world don't have a source of light once the day grows dark.
A flurry of last-minute pre-registrations for Mighty River Power shares is expected ahead of the Friday close-off.
Mighty River Power chairwoman Joan Withers has a formidable reputation for being one of the best communicators in business.
We're known for being clean and green, but Kiwis are still eating up at least twice their fair share of the planet when it comes to sustainability.
The record number of pre-registrations for Mighty River Power shares shows there is strong appetite for well-structured businesses, says one fund manager.
The drought is a timely reminder of how much the New Zealand economy depends on rainfall, writes Brian Fallow.