Latest fromEnergy
Left staying mum on power plans
Investors wanting more certainty around Labour-Greens policy for overhauling the electricity sector before the election appear to be out of luck.
Morningstar values Genesis Energy
Independent research house Morningstar has valued state-owned Genesis Energy at around $1.69 billion to $1.89 billion in total, or about $3.25 to $3.50 a share.
No explosion at geothermal station
The operator of a Northland geothermal plant has denied Fire Service reports 30,000 litres of gas is leaking after an explosion at the site.
Mighty River set to beat float forecast
Mighty River Power remains on track to meet forecast full-year profit for the year but is wary of falling lake levels feeding its central North Island hydro dams.
Genesis float unusual but makes sense
The structure of the Genesis Energy float is unusual but makes sense given the complexities of the company, says one investment banker.
Genesis float next month
John Key has confirmed the partial privatisation of Genesis Energy will begin soon but has underlined the sale will be the last one under a National Government.
Consumer Watch: Sun power good but not magic
Solar power systems can save households money, but don't expect them to eliminate your power bill.
Meridian earnings beat forecast
Newly NZX-listed Meridian Energy beat its prospectus forecast for earnings thanks to high inflows to hydro lakes.
BP shifts head office to Newmarket
BP will lease space for its new head office in Mansons TCLM's newly constructed five green-star rated building at 73 Remuera Rd in Newmarket.
Contact Energy lifts earnings
Contact Energy reported a 5 per cent improvement in earnings with improved sales and lower wholesale electricity prices.
Editorial: Green power worthy but has too few incentives
All in all, the Greens' scheme will appeal mainly to those who crave energy independence - not anywhere near the 10,000 a year the party predicts will install solar panels.
Would you borrow money to install solar panels?
Your Views: Under the Solar Homes scheme, New Zealanders would be able to borrow up to $15,000 from the Government to install photovoltaic panels and then pay it back via their council rates over 15 years. Is this a good idea?
Greens launch new solar power initiative
The Government will loan households up to $15,000 at low interest rates to help them install solar power if the Greens are elected.
PM defends $30m payout to Rio Tinto
Prime Minister John Key has defended his Government's $30 million payout to the owners of the Tiwai Point aluminium smelter after the Greens and Labour said parent company Rio Tinto's US$3.7 billion profit showed the payment was unjustified.
NZ taxpayers aid Rio Tinto profit bump
Profits are up 10pc at world mining giant Rio Tinto - in a year where NZ taxpayers paid the company $30m to keep the Tiwai Pt smelter open.
Left's power plan 'could boost prices'
Opposition's single-buyer model misses target, Business NZ-sponsored probe finds.
Caracas drivers face pain at pump
In the socialist state of Venezuela that is home to the world's largest oil and gas reserves, petrol is cheaper than water. But not for much longer.
Overcharged for power? Apparently not
Feel you're paying too much for electricity? Not according to a new report, which says consumers never actually paid the full cost of building NZ's power stations.
Energy Mad surges on Amazon deal
Shares in lightbulb maker Energy Mad surged after it announced it had begun selling its energy-efficient products online in the United States through internet retail giant Amazon.
Group vows to hinder Otago oil drill
A ''rapid response'' team of up to 260 people has been set up to take to the water to hinder Anadarko's deep-sea drilling operations.