Ocean study's climate change warning
Call for urgent action as findings show more heat stored than previously thought.
Call for urgent action as findings show more heat stored than previously thought.
High pump prices prompted consumers to use less and to shop around more for discounts.
Economy Hub: How long will pain at the pump last and what will it mean for the economy?
Sick of waiting for the Government, business has decided on its own greenhouse gas policy.
Switch suggestion follows "unpredictable market conditions".
It's better that dogs have emptied their bladders before they die. Less mess.
The Electricity Authority says the market is behaving as expected.
Flick spot price customers angry over soaring recent bills.
Saudi Arabia annually cuts off more heads than Isis has done in all its years of existence
A review of bills suggested thousands are on low-user plans when they shouldn't be.
Te Papa summit to explore how high-tech innovation can fight climate change.
Oil may rise on international speculation this week.
Tilt Renewables begins months of planning before building Waverley Wind Farm
Genesis warns of 'exceptional' market challenges, issuing a warning to Government.
Expert questions if $10m light show on Auckland landmark is really powered by the sun.
New Zealand's energy performance is the best in the Asia-Pacific region
Genesis says an industry-wide approach could be the best way to help needy consumers.
Meridian says it wants to expose ''dirty secrets'' but Mercury says its price scheme best.
A bill to give effect to the controversial ban on now offshore exploration is now ready.
COMMENT: We are clearly experiencing management by an unwieldy committee, says Paul Glass.
The Greenpeace protest ship is spreading the message about climate change.
Karina Tipene heats up her house by cooking dinner late for her seven young grandchildren.
Distributors are not making "excessive profits", electricity pricing review finds.
Motorists' organisation questions ongoing petrol price rises.
They did it by boosting photosynthesis using a 'dormant' chemical found in algae.
A low-emissions economy for NZ is "challenging but achievable", commission's report finds.
COMMENT: Business is waking up to the need to reduce carbon emissions
With the market tipping near its Everest, many investors are wondering whether to sell.
What next for prison inmates? KFC, aromatherapy or electric chair with star energy rating
Stiassny says trust is wasting money on a special meeting - he's going anyway.