Latest fromEmployment Relations

Air NZ accused of rehab bias to pilots
A former Air NZ flight attendant claim the airline does more to help pilots battling alcohol or drug addictions than it does for "expendable" cabin crew.

When Hollywood meets employment law...
As I sat in the new George Clooney movie, Up in the Air, I thought that this could just about be considered work related.

Are executive salaries out of hand? Is gender an issue?
Former Telecom head Theresa Gattung has attacked the company for paying its executives much bigger salaries than when she was in charge.

BA votes for pre-Easter strike
British Airways cabin crew have voted overwhelmingly to strike in a move likely to cause huge disruption to flights in the run-up to Easter.

Bad year for getting a day off on the company
Enjoy next Monday off, Aucklanders - the Anniversary Day long weekend is the last you'll get until Easter, in early April.

Former SPCA manager loses wrongful redundancy claim
The ERA rules the SPCA acted "fairly and reasonably" in making a former general manager redundant months after he started. David Lloyd-Barker claimed his redundancy was "a sham".

Super City worry boosts union rolls
Auckland's council employees are showing more interest in joining trade unions because they are worried about jobs in the new Super City.

ERA rules demotion of PE teacher unfair
A school which demoted a teacher for a series of incidents, including throwing a tennis ball at a student, overstepped the mark, the ERA rules.