Latest fromEmployment Relations

Compo for worker who lied
A South African who faked work references and lied about his qualifications and experience has won $10,000 compensation for unjustified dismissal.

Sacked employee blows $13k compo
An attempt by a sacked Oceana Gold employee to claim costs for an ERA hearing has backfired, costing him more than the company was ordered to pay him.

Fran O'Sullivan: It's high time the PM got serious on youth employment
Many have been brought up on a "follow your dream" diet only to find out too late that it doesn't always result in a job. An injection of realism is long overdue.

'All aboard, toot toot' for old train
The Kingston Flyer tourist steam train will resume commercial operations on January 4.

'Sleepover' pay issue for schools
The workers from Iona College and Woodford House will be relying on the principles established by last year's ground-breaking Court of Appeal ruling in the long-running case of disability support worker Phillip Dickson and Idea Services Ltd.

Road rage man seeks job back
Financial analyst Guy Hallwright is seeking his job back or $600,000 in lost earnings after being dismissed following his conviction for running over a man.

Man who drank wine before employment meeting fails to get job back
A man who drank "at least" three bottles of wine before a meeting to discuss his employment future has lost a bid to win his job back.

Fast-food giant pays in vouchers
An angry fast food worker says McDonald's offered him a $100 voucher, instead of paying him, to work on a film shoot for an advertisement.

Peter O'Connor: Prepare for war as teachers make a stand for education
2013 will see an escalation of an ideological war over the heart and soul of schooling in this country, writes Peter O'Connor.

Port fined $40k for strike-breaking hire
Ports of Auckland has been ordered to pay $40,000 for deliberately breaking the law by employing contractors during industrial action at the port.

How to ease the Xmas chaos
It's that time of year again. So much to do. Here's how to keep your cool during the silly season.

Man loses case over blow-up alien
A salesman who fell foul of his boss over a blow-up alien doll has been denied compensation.

Sacked govt worker wins job back
A government employee who was sacked after she accessed client records of Facebook 'friends' has won her job back until a full hearing can be held next year.

Kingston Flyer for sale
The Kingston Flyer's owner has put the business up for sale, on the same day he suspended operations because of safety concerns.

Winz worker justifiably fired - ERA
A Winz employee who helped family members - including her ex-husband, sister and stepdaughter - get jobs was justifiably sacked, the ERA has found.