Childcare head's sacking upheld
An early childhood centre manager who used an account set aside for children's lunches, has failed to prove she was unjustifiably dismissed.
An early childhood centre manager who used an account set aside for children's lunches, has failed to prove she was unjustifiably dismissed.
New Zealand's leading universities and academics are behind international competitors when it comes to attracting cash from business, a new comparison shows.
Nearly half of the millions of dollars mistakenly overpaid to teachers by Novopay has not been given back - with repayment rates as low as $2.50 per week agreed on.
Fruit bowls instead of snack machines and Swiss balls replacing office chairs are some of the changes businesses are making.
A Hamilton pizza delivery driver was struck with a metal bar in the face and again as he tried to crawl away from his assailant as he was on the ground.
The changes being proposed to our employment laws clearly stand to benefit many more employees than the small number who may find aspects of them a challenge.
A union says it hopes other large retailers will follow The Warehouse's example and introduce pay increase plans for their shop-floor staff.
The owner of an Auckland shoe shop has been accused of providing a false letter to the Employment Relations Authority to try to justify the dismissal of a worker.
Former Bay of Islands College principal Elgin Edwards is fighting to get his job back, admitting he made mistakes running the school before being sacked last year.
A 16-year-old labourer who hid in a toilet after being sexually harassed by his boss and co-workers at a Canterbury engineering firm has won a payout.
A resthome worker dismissed after hiding behind a door when discovered with a gardener in a dead resident's flat has been awarded more than $10,000 for legal costs.
A woman who was dismissed from a cowboy-themed bar at Auckland's Viaduct Harbour, in part for not wearing her cowboy hat, has been awarded more than $12,000.
Dire finances means beauty salon owners will get less of a payout from an employee they caught via Facebook treating clients at home.
Are flexible working options popular with New Zealand workers?
Kiwis are generally satisfied with their lot at work, but finding the right work/life balance is harder for employers and the self-employed, a survey has found.
A factory worker fired when her emotional health deteriorated after a colleague was accused of sexually assaulting her has won her job back.
Investigations into an Indian restaurant chain allegedly paying its staff less than $4 an hour has resulted in an action being filed with the ERA.