Got right stuff? Rocket Lab wants you
It IS rocket science - and Auckland-based Rocket Lab has about 35 jobs to fill as it shoots for it s first flight at the end of the year.
It IS rocket science - and Auckland-based Rocket Lab has about 35 jobs to fill as it shoots for it s first flight at the end of the year.
A framer who was shot in the chest with a nailgun by another employee has been awarded $6000 in compensation.
A woman has been told she would not receive paid parental leave as she failed to chase up her lost application.
Two men employed by a high school in Otago have been ordered to repay the school's board following a Novopay error.
An office worker who became ill through workplace stress has been awarded $10,000 compensation after complaining of bullying and intimidation.
An Australian IT company that exploited a New Zealand worker for seven months has been ordered to pay him more than $100,000.
A veteran postie who was wrongly sacked for failing to deliver 29 circulars has got his job back and has been awarded nearly $14,000 in back pay and compensation.
A truck driver who was pepper-sprayed and arrested was unfairly sacked after police sent "prejudicial" information to his employer.
A Wellington chef who was sacked on the spot after sleeping through his alarm twice and missing a busy shift with a sore leg has been awarded nearly $10,000.
The Supreme Court has declined an employer leave to appeal over the pay of a female aged-care worker, in what has become a fight to close the pay gap with men.
A lawyer says an Employment Court ruling allowing two Kiwi airline pilots to continue flying until the age of 65 is ground-breaking.
Two Kiwi pilots have won the right to stay in their jobs, after arguing that being forced to retire at the age of 55 was discrimination under New Zealand laws.
A private boarding school's head of chemistry who wrote "disparaging" comments on student testimonials has been reinstated while an investigation is carried out.
A young woman whose bottom was slapped in "fun" by her boss has now been ordered to pay her former employer $5000 in costs in the case.
Pyne Gould Corporation chairman Bryan Mogridge faced a barrage of investor questions around auditing delays at the company's annual meeting in Auckland yesterday.
Silver Fern Farms faces a bill of up to $3 million after it was ruled it made more than 100 Dunedin seasonal meat workers redundant.
An account manager fired for her excessive internet use and who used work time to run her two small businesses has been awarded $5000 by the ERA.
One of the features of KiwiSaver is you can take a holiday from contributions.
Low-paid women throughout New Zealand are lining up for what may be the biggest push in almost 40 years to close the pay gap with men - this time through the courts.
It's been in the news recently that Apple and Facebook have offered to freeze eggs for female employees, the purpose is, apparently, to attract more women on to their staff.
Two lawyers have been struck off in separate decisions following multiple acts of misconduct.
Andrew Little is not setting up his Future of Work Commission to be just another dull talkfest. Its real purpose is to chip away at National's economic policy, writes John Armstrong.
The Employment Relations Authority has found a boss' slap on the bottom of his female employee was a "fun slap".