Latest fromEmissions Trading Scheme

Iwi leader wins the right to sue seven big polluters
Mike Smith gets his day in court against seven major emitters.

World’s biggest cruise sets sail. Are growing ships a growing climate concern?
The Icon is the latest evolution in a trend for larger, flashier cruise ships.

Piped gas network heading for ‘death spiral’
A recent report shows how gas prices will rise significantly in the next decade.

Questions around commercial viability could jeopardise future of Napier-Wairoa rail line
The line was damaged in Cyclone Gabrielle, so is it worth rebuilding?

Willis unveils $7.4 billion in cuts as gloomy economy weighs on Government
A gloomy economic outlook - with a silver lining on inflation.

Vector-Amazon partnership creates smart meter tech that could be to sold to the world
Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Vector spin-out VTS extend their partnership.

Why a Rangitīkei forestry developer is turning to AI
The two companies both work at breaking down financial barriers for carbon farming.

Mike Joy: Offsetting won’t work, stop emitting fossil carbon
OPINION: The now-ubiquitous notion of “net zero” emissions is at best a delaying tactic.

Big agenda and some sticky issues ahead for Fonterra's annual meeting
There will be plenty for shareholders to chew over.

Editorial: Fifa’s move to Saudi Arabia smells of sportswashing
OPINION: Our editorial on Saudi Arabia being in line to host the 2034 men's World Cup.

Thomas Coughlan: Christopher Luxon is about to find out everything is his fault
OPINION: Luxon will be challenged by things he cannot control.

Anatomy of Labour’s collapse: From unprecedented support to devastating loss in three years
Ardern wanted to look after first-time Labour voters after 2020 win. What happened?

Editorial: The election, the climate and the uncomfortable truth
OPINION: Our editorial on latest report by the Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ.

‘It’s gone’: Forester paints grim picture of planting industry under new fees regime
The Ministry for Primary Industries will soon charge ETS participants a perpetual fee.

Lego ditches oil-free bricks in sustainability setback
Financial Times: Lego says the new material would have a bigger carbon footprint.

'One of the most serious claims made on the campaign': Why Labour, National are fighting about carbon
Would petrol prices really rise under National?

Letters: On crime, climate, a stadium, grey power and men's health
OPINION: Letters and premium debate on the All Blacks and more.

John Berry: The Govt and BlackRock - what have we just endorsed?
OPINION: BlackRock isn't here on a mercy mission, but to do business and make money.

Is National planning $2b of spending cuts, tax hikes - or a mix of both?
National says its tax policy will be self-funded.

Simon Wilson: Big plans and bigger problems for transport in Auckland
OPINION: Simon Wilson on transport agreements, disagreements and the truly "farcical".

National, Greens support giving households share of $2.5b ETS revenue
The parties both support the idea in principle, but disagree on the detail.

Thomas Coughlan: National's concerning lack of climate policies
OPINION: National's main climate policy is to repeal Labour's.

NZ needs to flourish in international markets, MPI boss says
Half NZ's greenhouse gas emissions are from agriculture, here's how we stay in the game.

Carbon market chaos: Price halved, 9 million units unsold
Some investors are ditching the carbon market due to volatility.

Letters: A remedy for healthcare
OPINION: Letters on Sir Ian Taylor, scrap bins, war games, National, and Labour.

The 27-year-old Kiwi serial inventor onto his fourth startup sale
Serial inventor says Shear Edge offers new hope for strong wool.

Owen Jennings: Are we taking IPCC advice or not?
OPINION: 'A potentially huge monkey on farmers’ backs is now a much smaller monkey'.

Emissions reduction hole might not close in time for first carbon budget
The Government may have to "borrow" emissions reduction to hit goals.

Our forests and our future are entwined
OPINION: We are going to need more forests - both exotics and indigenous -as carbon sinks.