Matthew Birchall: We can’t be naive about the risks to infrastructure
Success means getting projects done well.
Success means getting projects done well.
Unison Networks is laser-scanning its network in Rotorua, Taupō and Hawke's Bay.
The power generator and retailer says it has welcomed disclosure policy.
OPINION: There is no need for ministerial intervention in a system that is working.
Energy company says it is actively discussing a joint venture for North Island solar.
The NZ sharemarket closed slightly down.
Those who went without electricity have a legal right to compensation.
Megan Woods had said gentailers made 'commercial decisions' before power outage.
PM Jacinda Ardern unveils Labour's energy policy that aims to have 100 per cent renewable electricity generation in New Zealand now by 2030. Video / Rotorua Daily Post
Meridian's chief executive Neal Barclay says the company will adapt to Tiwai's closure.
Energy prices may fall but consumer power bills may also be affected by transmission cost.
Focus Live: Kris Faafoi on the government's response to petrol prices report
Power is gradually being restored across Northland after 2+ hour outage.
What are the scenarios if Rio Tinto closes its Smelter at Tiwai Point?
Vector's net profit was hit by a non-cash impairment on its E-Co Products Group.
Focus Live: Commerce Commission delivers petrol pricing report
Gas contractor who worked on house fronts to police, residents return to check houses.
A house was destroyed and six people injured in a blast that was felt across the city.
"We are lucky that we are not looking at multiple fatalities here," fire chief says.
Production from the offshore Pohokura gas field is to be cut for a third time next month.
The fires sparked a state of emergency in February last year.
One in five Auckland households switched power companies last year, helping them save an average of $136 in the process.
Vector Energy says it's identified the source of the leak, but it's going to be a slow process to fix the pipeline. The company says removing gas from the line could cause an explosion..