Latest FromElection 2014

Key challenges Snowden and Greenwald
New Zealand

Key challenges Snowden and Greenwald

Prime Minister John Key has challenged Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald to front up with evidence of their claims of mass surveillance and NSA bases in New Zealand. Mr Key responded this morning to Snowden's claims that New Zealanders' metadata was included in the XKeyscore data harvesting programme used by the US and that there were two NSA bases in New Zealand. Mr Key said neither had provided any actual evidence of their claims and said it was simply rhetoric.

Snowden: NSA has Auckland facility
New Zealand

Snowden: NSA has Auckland facility

Renegade former US intelligence analyst Edward Snowden claimed his former employer spy agency National Security Agency has a facility in Auckland. Snowden, who is sheltering in Moscow from US attempts to extradite him on espionage charges, appeared by video link before a capacity crowd at the Kim Dotcom organised Moment of Truth event at Auckland Town Hall. Footage The Moment of Truth/YouTube

Key: 'No recollection of the conversation'
New Zealand

Key: 'No recollection of the conversation'

The Kim Dotcom "big reveal" is out - and has almost immediately been dismissed as a fake. The "reveal" is an email which purports to show Prime Minister John Key involved in a plan to get the internet entrepreneur into New Zealand so he could be extradited to the United States. Mr Key said this afternoon he had absolutely no recollection or record of any such conversation. "I do not believe that to be correct. I have no recollection of the conversation alluded to in that email, there are no records there and the meetings I had were with other people around me. So in the end we'll try go and get to the bottom of it, but we don't have any record of it."

Key: US journalist Greenwald 'a loser'
New Zealand

Key: US journalist Greenwald 'a loser'

The war of words between Prime Minister John Key and US journalist Glenn Greenwald has escalated with Mr Key calling Greenwald a "loser" and Greenwald accusing Key of changing his story every day. Speaking to Mike Hosking at the Newstalk ZB Breakfast this morning, Mr Key said he would have more respect for Greenwald if he had timed his visit differently. Greenwald is in New Zealand to present evidence he claims shows the GCSB was involved in mass surveillance at Kim Dotcom's 'Moment of Truth' tonight.

Key: Spy claims relate to trading partners?
New Zealand

Key: Spy claims relate to trading partners?

Prime Minister John Key says it is possible US journalist Glenn Greenwald will produce claims New Zealand was spying on some of its trading partners. Speaking on the Newstalk ZB Leader's Breakfast this morning, Mr Key was asked about claims Mr Greenwald would produce evidence of spying on China at the "Moment of Truth" event tonight.

Key: 'Dotcom is trying to save Dotcom's butt'
New Zealand

Key: 'Dotcom is trying to save Dotcom's butt'

Prime Minister John Key says it is possible US journalist Glenn Greenwald will produce claims New Zealand was spying on some of its trading partners. Mr Key has promised to declassify documents proving the GCSB had not engaged in mass surveillance if that was what Mr Greenwald claimed. He suspected the event would be "a sound and light show."