Latest FromElection 2014

John Key: No clear run for Colin Craig
New Zealand|Politics

John Key: No clear run for Colin Craig

Prime Minister John Key has confirmed National will not pull its candidate in East Coast Bays to give Conservative leader Colin Craig a clear run and ruled out any last minute change of mind, even if it could cost National a third term in Government. Mr Key formally announced National's proposed electorate deals today, although they were already well signalled in advance.

Claudette Hauiti: 'No excuse'
New Zealand

Claudette Hauiti: 'No excuse'

Outgoing National MP Claudette Hauiti admits using her parliamentary charge card to buy petrol for her personal car in a further breach of the rules on card use. "There is no one else at fault here. There are no excuses for not knowing the rules. And that is the price you pay because this is the job we are in. Our Prime Minister has always reinforced transparency and I absolutely agree with that."

ZBTV: Meet Kim Dotcom
New Zealand

ZBTV: Meet Kim Dotcom

Kim Dotcom joins Newstalk ZB's Tim Roxborogh and Tim Wilson in studio to talk about why he think he's a polarising figure, why he started up The Internet Party, also NZ's internet and Hollywood licensing and why he's waiting until September 15 to release his 'bombshell' on John Key.

Key: How NZ's immigration works
New Zealand

Key: How NZ's immigration works

Prime Minister John Key explains the current situation with NZ's immigration. The immigration surge continued to gather pace last month, with the net inflow of 4270 people the second-largest monthly gain on record. The rising trend has been driven by fewer New Zealanders leaving for Australia and more returning. The net loss of people to Australia last month would have fitted in a single airport bus - just 20, seasonally adjusted, compared with a net loss of 1550 in June last year.