Latest FromElection 2014

Key denies contradiction
New Zealand|Politics

Key denies contradiction

Prime Minister John Key says nothing has changed after a video emerged from 2011 appearing to contradict his claim he was never told by the SIS it intended to release politically sensitive secret documents to Whale Oil blogger Cameron Slater.

Fast Fire Leaders Question: Inequality
New Zealand|Politics

Fast Fire Leaders Question: Inequality

Do you want to know more about your political leaders and what they think but don’t have much time? Here you can watch the party leaders answer Fast Fire questions on a range of issues, talking down the barrel of the camera directly to you. (NZ First declined to take part). Today’s question is what is the best way to address inequality in NZ?

Your leaders on America's Cup
New Zealand|Politics

Your leaders on America's Cup

Do you want to know more about your political leaders and what they think but don’t have much time? Here you can watch the party leaders answer Fast Fire questions on a range of issues, talking down the barrel of the camera directly to you. (NZ First declined to take part). Today’s question is should the taxpayer subsidise another America's Cup bid?

Key: 'Left wing smear campaign'
New Zealand

Key: 'Left wing smear campaign'

PM John Key has repeated his belief that New Zealanders were more interested in the economy than politicking after taking numerous questions on the Dirty Politics book and the involvement of National minister Judith Collins, his own staffer Jason Ede and others.

Election 2014: Leaders on Foreign investment
New Zealand|Politics

Election 2014: Leaders on Foreign investment

A majority of voters approve of farm sales to foreigners only when it brings a significant advantage over a New Zealand buyer such as jobs, according to the latest Herald-DigiPoll survey. Hear what the political leaders have to say about foreign investment.

Election 2014: National Party Highlights - John Key
New Zealand|Politics

Election 2014: National Party Highlights - John Key

Prime Minister and National leader John Key takes the Hot Seat to talk about his plans for the future in series of leader interviews ahead of the September 20 election. He speaks with NewstalkZB host Rachel Smalley, Herald columnists Fran O'Sullivan and Toby Manhire and political editor Audrey Young. The interview was conducted on August 12, before Nicky Hager's book Dirty Politics was released.