Latest FromElection 2014

Fast Fire Leaders Question: Immigration
New Zealand|Politics

Fast Fire Leaders Question: Immigration

Do you want to know more about your political leaders and what they think but don’t have much time? Here you can watch the party leaders answer Fast Fire questions on a range of issues, talking down the barrel of the camera directly to you. (NZ First declined to take part). Today’s question is on immigration?

Fast Fire Leaders Question: Treaty of Waitangi
New Zealand|Politics

Fast Fire Leaders Question: Treaty of Waitangi

Do you want to know more about your political leaders and what they think but don’t have much time? Here you can watch the party leaders answer Fast Fire questions on a range of issues, talking down the barrel of the camera directly to you. (NZ First declined to take part). Today’s question is on the Treaty of Waitangi

Fast Fire Leaders Question: Flag
New Zealand|Politics

Fast Fire Leaders Question: Flag

Do you want to know more about your political leaders and what they think but don’t have much time? Here you can watch the party leaders answer Fast Fire questions on a range of issues, talking down the barrel of the camera directly to you. (NZ First declined to take part). Should the NZ flag be changed?

Fast Fire Leaders Question: GOD
New Zealand|Politics

Fast Fire Leaders Question: GOD

Do you want to know more about your political leaders and what they think but don’t have much time? Here you can watch the party leaders answer Fast Fire questions on a range of issues, talking down the barrel of the camera directly to you. (NZ First declined to take part). Today’s question is on GOD?

Fast Fire Leaders Question: Superannuation
New Zealand|Politics

Fast Fire Leaders Question: Superannuation

Do you want to know more about your political leaders and what they think but don’t have much time? Here you can watch the party leaders answer Fast Fire questions on a range of issues, talking down the barrel of the camera directly to you. (NZ First declined to take part). Today’s question is should their be a rise in the Superannuation age?