New qualifications framework launched
A unified qualifications framework will make life easier for employers and people who want to study, Steven Joyce says.
A unified qualifications framework will make life easier for employers and people who want to study, Steven Joyce says.
Winz staff told a woman with a university bachelor degree to "dumb down" her CV before applying for jobs.
Virtually every financial adviser in the country will be back at school in the next few months studying for a qualification in order to stay in business.
When 13-year-old Rennie Qin arrived from China four years ago she couldn't speak English and her parents couldn't afford to send her to the "good schools" - but that wasn't enough to stop her from striving for the top.
New Zealand's once-yawning gap in student achievement between schools in rich and poor areas has closed by almost a third in the past five years.
The Government is taking aim at lazy students and courses with high dropout or failure rates in looming reforms in tertiary education.