Latest fromEditor's Pick - Travel

Top 5 crazy spa treatments

Top 5 crazy spa treatments

Heard the one about being buried in a sawdust pit to detox? Or wrapped in mojito cocktail mix or slathered in estuary mud? What about the Doctor fish that nibble your dead skin? These are just some of the weird and wacky spa treatments out there.

Things hosties hate about you

Things hosties hate about you

It used to be that being a flight attendant was regarded as one of the most glamorous jobs in the world. But gone are the days of the long and leisurely stopovers for cabin crew. Here are five pet peeves that will test your hostie’s smile.

Top 5 Dubai destinations

Top 5 Dubai destinations

There is more to see in Dubai than the world’s tallest building, largest shopping malls and indoor ski fields. Situated conveniently between New Zealand and Europe, Dubai makes an excellent stopover, but it’s also a cool destination in its own right.

Top 5 romantic getaways

Top 5 romantic getaways

Now that Christmas is out of the way, it’s time to turn our attention to Valentine’s Day. And if you’re smart you’ll be talking about getaway ideas to your One True Love now while they’re lamenting being back in the office wearing shoes and socks again.