Pushing the urban boundaries
Where you'll live, what sort of house you'll have and how much it'll cost will be influenced by reforms that promise more affordable housing.
Where you'll live, what sort of house you'll have and how much it'll cost will be influenced by reforms that promise more affordable housing.
A police officer will appear in court on a disorder charge after allegedly verbally abusing a woman and her young son while on a night out drinking with a colleague.
A man who lived in a state house while he rented out two properties of his own has been sentenced for defrauding the taxpayer.
A man is facing allegations he lived off the taxpayer in state housing while he was a landlord owning two properties.
Millie Elder was with Connor Morris when police stopped Morris and allegedly found methamphetamine and a glass pipe.
A man charged with the murder of the mother of four who was found dead in her Papakura home has appeared in court today.
A man previously charged with damaging Leanne Kingston's car has now been charged with murdering the Papakura mother of four.