Pakuranga's little monsters
Danielle Wright finds a game of snakes and ladders the perfect lure for her family along the Pakuranga Rotary Walk.
Danielle Wright finds a game of snakes and ladders the perfect lure for her family along the Pakuranga Rotary Walk.
Ivan Davies tells Elisabeth Easther what he loves about living in Burswood, a little known gem in East Tamaki's crown.
A developer has paid $2.41 million for a five-bedroom family home in Epsom, with plans to knock it down and build two new townhouses.
The days of tiny "shoebox" apartments in Auckland could come back if a new rule in the unitary plan is passed.
A man has been found guilty of the murder of New Zealander Brent Dumper at his daughter's house-warming party on the Gold Coast.
A house-warming party fuelled by alcohol and drugs led to a New Zealand man being shot in the back and killed, a Brisbane court has heard.
Artist Jenny Foster tells Elisabeth Easther about living in Whitford and getting to know the neighbouring areas.
Stephen Coates, owner of Bucklands Espresso Lounge, Bucklands Beach.
Alan la Roche is a lifelong resident of Howick, and a founding member of the Howick Historical Village. He tells Elisabeth Easther why he loves his suburb.
Relationship with Auckland council on right path as mayor deals with old political divide
The steady life in sales and prices started in the central Auckland suburbs over a year ago and has now spread across the new supercity. But as Bruce Morris reports, it's still tough going out in the provinces.
East Tamaki Healthcare director Ranjna Patel has lived in Pakuranga for the past 32 years. She tells Farida Master why Pakuranga is perfect for her family.
Culture, history, good cuisine, galleries - Howick village has a lot to keep day visitors entertained.