Wheelchair user injured in collision with car
The wheelchair user suffered moderate injuries in the crash.
The wheelchair user suffered moderate injuries in the crash.
Council apologises for wrongly grading at least two Auckland restaurants.
Car has crashed into a large slip, closing highway.
Police say the arrests are part of a wider investigation into the theft of cars.
Some in the education sector say Ministry pressuring schools to build "flexible" spaces.
Results of three Auckland Council byelections to be announced on Monday.
At least two people were rushed away in a St John Ambulance following Pakuranga crash.
Landlubbers' house-boat attracted controversy at East Auckland beach.
The H Files: Aucklander who killed for love was sentenced to life for manslaughter.
Witnesses to incident last night described it like a scene from Fight Club.
Crash on Auckland Southern Motorway expected to cause delays from Manukau.
Four seasons in one country - heat, thunderstorms and rain on way.
Boy's new school promises to make the placement "the best it can be for the child".
Pakuranga parents say their autistic son, 12, was bullied by kids and mocked by a teacher.
Specialist equipment was being sent to the scene to help the fire crews release the cows.
The game of golf went unfinished after a man's gear was stolen from the greens.
There have been 10 deaths on our roads so far this year, and nine fatal crashes.
COMMENT: For a world class city in the 21st century, beach pollution is not acceptable.
The AA says clamping while someone is in the car "smacks of revenue raising".
A South Auckland real estate agent breached fundamental obligations to his clients.
Auckland Transport will postpone planned school bus cuts where parents are unhappy
Concerned parents and principals are speaking at a Howick Local Board meeting at 6pm.
Auckland Transport is axing some school buses and telling children to catch public buses.
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff talked transport, housing and the port with the Prime Minister.
Now's the time to buy if you're looking for your first home: mortgage broker.
Readers ask why they can mow their lawns, yet contractors can't mow parks
The Pakuranga retiree was worried someone was going to come to her door demanding money.
A gas main has been ruptured in East Auckland following a car crash.