Latest fromEarthquakes
Cost of insurance may rise 20pc
The cost of household insurance could climb out of the reach of many people.
<i>Bernard Hickey:</i> Why the Government had to bail-out AMI
'Both AMI and South Canterbury appeared not to have planned for disaster,' writes Bernard Hickey.
Up to 12,500 workers needed for Christchurch rebuild
The residential rebuild in Christchurch could require up to 12,500 full time workers and reveal a number of skills shortages in occupations such as concreting and carpentry, Prime Minister John Key says.
Japan dumping radioactive water into sea
Japan started dumping water tainted with low-level radiation into the sea near the Fukushima nuclear plant.
Earthquake bill so far: $1.1 billion
Prime Minister John Key said the Government has more spending to come, pointing at an EQC net cost estimate of $1.5b for the latest quake.
Magnitude 4 aftershock hits Christchurch
The quake struck at 2.23pm, 10km east of Christchurch at a depth of 10km, GNS Science said.
Earthquake death toll hits 170
Police have named a woman who died in Christchurch's February 22 earthquake, bringing the total of number of names released to 170.
Quake-damaged church to be demolished
The congregation of St Paul's Trinity Pacific Church on Cashel St have come to accept the reality - their 135-year-old church is no more.
Sth Canterbury loans cost Govt extra $331m
The government's finances have taken a $331 million hit, largely due to problems recovering money from failed South Canterbury Finance's tangled set of related party loans.
Parker: Christchurch facing 'glorious challenge'
The Christchurch City Council has met for the first time since last month's quake, with Mayor Bob Parker saying the city "will have fight for its place in the sun again"...