'Utterly devastating' fire in Dunedin
It appeared high winds had dropped a power line, where a fire had potentially started.
It appeared high winds had dropped a power line, where a fire had potentially started.
Wildlife Hospital staff working around the clock to care for 100 yellow-eyed penguins.
Neighbouring properties have evacuated as high winds make firefighting difficult.
The commission was originally expected to produce a final report by 2023.
The man was travelling under a railway overbridge in Oamaru when his car was crsuhed.
Preetam Prakash Maid was found guilty of planting a fake bomb at Dunedin Airport in court.
But Health Minister Andrew Little said changes were likely.
The evidence against 32-year-old Preetam Maid was "overwhelming", judge says.
Did Bishop take proper action when he received abuse complaints spanning 30 years?
Preetam Prakash Maid, 32, is accused of planting a fake bomb at Dunedin Airport in 2019.
"We did what we thought was enough, and it wasn't, and we know that now."
The Orchard Sun and Southern Free Beaches naturist clubs are at odds.
Courts exhaust all means of communication to chase $600k from liquidated car dealership.
Some agents "should be locked up or fired" for negligent advice, industry insider says.
Stephen Clutterbuck's unlikely explanation doesn't convince judge but he escapes jail.
The old Cadbury factory can be demolished to make way for a new hospital.
There's snow on the way for some alpine passes as a cold front hits the South Island.
A Moment In Crime episode 13 looks back at the 1990 Aramoana mass shooting and siege.
A teenager who lured his victim to a secluded area and raped her has avoided imprisonment.
Shayne "Smiley" Heappey died in the 2018 knife attack.
Martin Cotton, 27, ranted, beat his victim and waved a knife around in terrifying attack.
Motorists are being asked to avoid the area if possible.
Gavin and Karen Bainbridge's scam left Otago uni staff feeling "dirty and tainted".
Joseph Lepper has continued his erratic, abusive behaviour in prison, Parole Board hears.
The defendant is charged with taking a fake bomb into an airport security area last year.
Oamaru whitebaiter Craig Andrew died after being swept out to sea last month.
New Zealanders accessing benefits has grown markedly since last year, except in Dunedin.
Long-time supporter Joe Karam says drama is 'at the expense of the Bain family'.