Man sentenced for brutal punch tells judge: ‘You’ve ruined Xmas’
Philip Marchant punched his victim, who then fell down some stairs.
Philip Marchant punched his victim, who then fell down some stairs.
A patient took police on a wild ride after escaping Wakari Hospital in a stolen car.
It follows a meeting with the Transport Minister that did not go to plan.
The driver had just finished working a 12-hour shift.
Criminal charges could not be ruled out, police said.
Firefighters freed the 'mechanically trapped' person at the scene of the accident.
John Russell Black, AKA Little John, contacted officials to say he could not attend court.
Daryen Owens told his ex her flatmate was going to get a lesson she'd never forget.
The 44-year-old is due to appear in court today on five charges.
An Air New Zealand flight was forced to turn back following an 'engineering' problem.
Councils and an airport company among those listed as creditors.
Police say the multi-agency response will steer troubled youths away from a life of crime.
A woman who doused a love rival in hot coffee claims she cannot remember the attack.
Smoke was noticed by the car behind the vehicle.
The woman suffered cracked ribs and a concussion - and the driver is still at large.
Adrian Waa's chances of reoffending have been assessed as 'average'.
The teen was already over the demerit point limit.
Firefighters from South Island airports trained with four new fire trucks from Austria.
He is one of two men caught by police after an alleged shopping spree with stolen cards.
A Dunedin man’s summer sizzle has turned into a summer fizzle after brazen barbecue theft.
Westpac agrees to make "goodwill payment" to cover pensioner's stolen money.
DoC is working with authorities after albatross eggs disappear.
Lance Colin Robert Moore appeared in the Dunedin High Court after pleading not guilty.
Founder of the Sophie Elliot Foundation dies, aged 76.
Government will press ahead with plans for co-governance in Three Waters reforms.
Couple warned by cops after allegedly having intercourse at well-known Dunedin locations.
An ultimatum to 'be home by 10am' resulted in a high-speed crash.
'Rouvi stressed the fault of the victim, saying she had woken him when he was sleeping.'
Members of the public scored a ‘massive’ assist, helping police make a quick arrest.
DoC says it may never crack the case of Dunedin's missing albatross eggs.